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"Hello Kakarot, how are we this evening?" Vegeta quickly took a sip of his drink, it was one of those long shifts, and he had another two hours to go. He had been cursing at himself for agreeing to work the extra hours, of course, he wasn't going to turn down extra pay.

"Oh I'm good now that I'm talking to you."

"That's good to hear, so.. what are we up for?" He quickly muted to yawn and take a sip of his drink whilst unmuting the call.

"Say, were you a coffee shop yesterday?"

Vegeta spat his drink out, his eyes widened. Flashback of when he made eye contact with Kakarot at the coffee shop, flickered on in his mind. "Pardon?" He coughed slightly to clear his throat, as some of the drink had ran down his windpipe.

"Well, I heard your voice and-"

"No, I wasn't there." He interrupted. As tempted as it was for him to confess, he knew how risky that would be with his job.

"Oh, was going to say how hot this guy looked."

Vegeta smirked. "I bet he is."

"Probably not as hot as you are though."

He caught a glimpse of the floor manager pacing the room. He had to quickly change the topic and hoped Kakarot would fall for it too. As much as he would enjoy hearing how hot he looked, he couldn't allow the conversation to continue. "How about you stroke that cock for me? Haven't heard you moan for some time-"

"I mean it was only a couple of days-"

"Like I said, for some time. Are you going to get hard for me?"

"Well this is getting a little heated up already..."

"It's a sex line, what were you expecting? Now is that big cock of yours up or not?"

"You really want me to stroke myself, huh?"

Vegeta pinched bridge of his nose, he let out a quite sigh  before continuing. "No Kakarot, I was merely wanting you to whack it about the place in hope some magic trick would happen...stroke it for me."

"Are you okay?"

"Mm, still not hearing you stroking that big cock of yours." He leaned back taking sips of his coffee.

"Alright, mm..."

"That's it, do it harder for me, really make me feel it."

"Shit...oh Devon..."

"Yes, more."

"help me cum, talk dirty to me..."

Vegeta leaned forward placing his coffee on the desk, he grinned as he could hear Kakarot's rapid shallow breathing. "You are such a naughty boy, fuck... you sound so hot breath heavier, let me know just how good it feels, whilst I imagine deep throating that cock of yours."

"You deep throat, huh? ...fuck.."

"Oh, you like the sound of that? I just love having my mouth filled."

Grunts and low Moans were heard at the other end of the line. Vegeta could feel himself harden just listening to those sounds of arousal.

"That's it baby, keep stroking that cock for me...oh yes! Fuck I'm going to cum just by hearing those hot moans of yours!" He panted heavily down the line throwing in some fake moans for good measure.


"Yes Kakarot, moan out my name, let it roll off your tongue, let it leave a bitter sweet taste in your mouth as you cum for me."

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