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Vegeta bit his lip following Goku into his apartment, the pair had planned for undisturbed time together. Mostly as Vegeta promised Goku he'd do another strip tease, and there was no way in hell was he going to do it back in his place with Nappa around. Vegeta still felt a little nervous as Goku hadn't mentioned about no longer talking to Devon, nor did he hear him say he loved him. Perhaps he was too shy to confess? For he wasn't sure how to blurt out those words himself yet. Soon as Goku had closed the door behind him, the pair pulled each other in for a passionate kiss. Goku pulled back, and stared deeply into Vegeta's eyes.

"Shit, I forgot to tell you." Goku quickly broke the eye contact and walked towards the sofa.

Vegeta bit his lip following Goku whilst taking his jacket off. Perhaps he was going to confess about what he said to Devon.

"Okay, don't freak out." Goku spun on his heel to face Vegeta.

Vegeta cleared his throat, and looked deeply into Goku's eyes. "What is it?"

"My dad works with your dad and-"


"Yeah, like small world huh?"

Vegeta clicked his tongue, he didn't really speak to his family much; and now he was feeling bile travel up his throat. Just how much had his father said about him? As far as his dad was aware he just worked in an ordinary call centre. "Okay." Was all he could say.

"They are organising a family meal together."

Vegeta massaged his temples. "You just can't make this shit up." He could feel the lies slowly starting to unravel, and it left him feeling anxious.

"I know." Goku sighed. "Then again, it wouldn't be a bad thing would it?"

Vegeta could see Goku was now studying the panic on his face. He smiled and pushed Goku to sit on the sofa. "How about we talk more about this later?"

"Okay?" Goku gulped as Vegeta turned the music on, the pair taking their shoes off. The beat drummed into Goku's ears, as the song closer by NIN started to play. He crossed his arms leaning back on the sofa.

Vegeta stared at Goku, his gaze wandering all over Goku's body, causing the hairs on Goku's arm to bristle with a heavy shiver running down his spine. He gave Goku a seductive grin, leaning inwards - his delicate nose just a few inches against Goku's.He felt so hypnotised by Vegeta's tantalising eyes, and the warm breath felt against his face. He started to uncross his arms to quickly lower the zipper from his jacket. Vegeta's body curved sensuously towards him, his warm soft lips pressed against Goku's ear. "Let me do that." Vegeta's voice came out hoarse and lusty, as he helped take Goku's jacket off, and placed it on the armrest. "Just relax." Vegeta hummed, as he nibbled Goku's ear lobe, and slipped his nimble fingers through Goku's button-up shirt. He smirked feeling Goku's hands glide sensually up his waist, he tapped the hands out the way and jumped back. Knowing he had Goku's full attention, he started to move his body along to the beat.

"You tease." Goku grinned, watching Vegeta's body move naturally, his hips moving so deliciously with every hard beat of the music.

"Only for you." Vegeta winked as he continued to dance so seductively, he went onto his knees rucking his T-shirt up; revealing his well toned abs as his body rolled to the beat.

Goku could feel himself starting to harden at such sight, as he imagined his tongue chiselling into Vegeta's sculpted body. Watching Vegeta grind the floor, whilst keeping his eyes locked on him made it so difficult not to take him there and then.

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