Family Meal.

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Vegeta lost count how much he had smoked already, now sat in his boyfriend's parents home, his father and brother sat opposite him. He rarely spoke to his family, they weren't really as close as Goku was with his parents. It was evident the pair had a very different upbringing. Where Goku's parents were aware of the ins and outs of their children, Vegeta's father didn't really take any interest, so long as the police didn't come knocking at his door. Vegeta had spent a week mentally preparing himself for this meal, he cussed himself for how unfortunate it was for his and his boyfriends fathers to know each other. It was as if everything was preparing to go wrong for the two. Physically it was taking it's toll on him, due lack of sleep from the stress it was causing. Conversation between the parents were mostly focused on recent news headlines, and the weather. Their attention changed to Raditz as he walked in with Launch, Vegeta could see the nervousness on Goku's face. It took Goku a couple of days to confess to Vegeta about Launch's threat, he promised Goku he wouldn't say anything. However the more she sat smug, the more he was tempted to gouge her eyes out. Fumbling with his fingers under the table, he glanced over watching Launch leave the room. He quickly excused himself whilst everyone were deep in conversation. He followed Launch into the kitchen, looking behind ensuring no one else had followed.

Launch looked over at Vegeta and raised a brow. She noticed Vegeta had been giving her subtle glares from across the table. "Goku's boyfriend right?" Her eyes looked Vegeta up and down, as he slowly walked towards her. "Hm, can see why he's gay now." Vegeta walked towards the counter knocking bowl of fruit over, keeping his glare on her. "I'll get it." She sighed as she knelt down to pick up the fruit. She felt a grasp on her wrist, that caused her to glance over seeing Vegeta now crouched down to her level.

"You threaten my boyfriend again, and you'll have me to deal with."

"Threatening a girl now?" She snatched her hand back from his grip.

"Oh, so it's acceptable to threaten a man who- might I add, you were happily bouncing on his cock not long ago?"

"Don't remind me of that he was shit anyways."

"You and I both know that's not true, well. He was probably shit for you which is your loss."

"so you take it up the ass like a bitch. Whatever, you don't scare me."

"The last time I saw something like you-I flushed it."

"Is that best insult ya got for me? You are a waste of space, look at you thinkin' you are all it, when really you are a piece of shit on my shoe! Ya twat waffle!"

"Ha, I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup, and shit out a better statement than that."

"Fuck off!" She scoffed, as she pulled herself back onto her feet.

Vegeta rose to his feet with her. "After you, bitch."

Gine peeped her head through the door way, seeing the two staring the other down. She wasn't too sure what was going on as such, other than Vegeta kept glaring at Launch at the table. "Is everything okay in here?"

"Everything is fine, just helping Launch here pick up her mess, she's such a klutz." Vegeta smiled back at Gine. He started to pick up the fruit that had fallen onto the floor.

Gine raised a brow at Launch. "Hm, that's one way of putting it." She sighed walking back into the dining room.

Vegeta finished picking up the fruit, he looked back in direction that Gine had left before averting his attention back on Launch. "Serious though, you ever go near my boyfriend with your pathetic empty threats again, and you'll be meeting my foot up your backside."

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