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Sat inside a small coffee shop, the ambience was lively with crowd of people, and air thick with aroma of coffee mingled with fresh scent of cakes; that were sat proudly on the counter. Goku was sat in the corner with his friends, he was mostly staring down at his hot beverage, than focusing on what was going on around him. The place was busier than usual, more than likely down to it being the weekend. He didn't usually visit this particular coffee shop during the weekends, and he was reminded as to why. It was hard to hear himself think, let alone what his friends were talking about. The coffee shop was one of the popular in the small built up area, glass milk bottles recycled as lights hung on the ceiling like a mesmerising mobile, it spiralled downwards where the counter was. Sepia walls with rustic furniture gave it such a warming feel to it, frames of old news paper articles and photos of the coffee shop through the years hung so proudly on the walls. The shop was dark, with rich yellow and orange hues that lit up enough space, just giving that soothing atmosphere.

"He's doing it again." Chichi rolled her eyes, she leaned over the table and tapped Goku's hand that was cradling the cup. "We were asking if you fancied going to the cinema after?"

"Oh." He glanced over at his friends who were all looking back at him with the same expression. Since he had been talking to Devon, he had been daydreaming a lot than focusing on what was going on around him. He knew it was getting a little unhealthy now, but he couldn't help it. "Sure, I guess?"

"You've not been yourself for a few day's now, everything okay?" Krillin asked studying Goku's half asleep state.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled.

Chichi leaned into Krillin with a smug grin. "He definitely has a crush."

"Not this again..." Goku sighed rolling his eyes.

"Who is it?"  Tien asked ignoring the glare Goku was giving him.

"We don't know." Chichi shrugged.

"Alright, stop. I told you there's no one." Goku pouted as they all raised a brow at him. "I mean it."

Krillin could see how flustered Goku was getting. "So, moving on... " he started to continue on a conversation from what they had earlier.

Goku furrowed his brows, the voices of his friends started to dull out as he heard a familiar voice from behind. He gulped, slowly trailing his eyes towards where the voice was coming from. He seen three men stood by the counter making an order, he studied the three carefully waiting for one to speak. He felt the palms of his hand sweating, he rubbed them over his jeans as his eyes locked into one of them. He kept his study on them, they were shorter of the three, stood with one hand in their leather jacket pocket, with the other rested on the counter. Goku froze as he heard them speak again, he felt his heart skip a beat for the voice sounded oddly familiar to Devon. Fluttering sensation swirled around in the pit of Goku's stomach as he kept his focus, could this be Devon? So attractive, he could feel himself getting slightly aroused at just the sight. Chichi glanced over whilst Krillin and Tien continued to talk about what to see at the cinema, she noticed Goku rubbing the palms of his hands along his jeans. His face lit up as he continued to listen in to this mysterious person talking.

"Goku... hey, stop making yourself so obvious." Chichi clicked her fingers in front of Goku's face that caused him to advert his attention back on her. She glanced over at the men Goku was staring at then back at him. "It's one of them isn't it." She raised a brow with a grin.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about."  Goku gave her a subtle smile before drinking from his cup. He waited for Chichi to be distracted for him to quickly glance back, the man was now stood with a takeaway cup.


Vegeta stood impatiently waiting for Nappa to make an order, Yamcha and him had already made theirs and they exchanged looks as Nappa stood studying the menu.

"Will you hurry up and make an order already!" Vegeta snapped, unaware that from around the corner he was being watched.

"Okay, I'll have an ice caramel latte." He smiled over at the Bartista.

Yamcha scrunched his face up. "Nappa, I thought you didn't like latte?"

"Yeah I don't, but I like caramel cos I like the way it melts on my tongue, my grandmother makes the best caramel." He sighed as he reminisced about his grandmothers caramel. Not noticing the fact Vegeta and Yamcha were giving him a judgmental glare.

Vegeta huffed as he looked at his watch, he could sense he was being watched, his eyes trailed along the crowded tables and locked on to the one staring at him. He knitted his brows together to try and study the one staring at him, but was interrupted by Nappa screaming and falling to the floor rocking back and forth. He rolled his eyes seeing crowd of people form round Nappa with looks of concern, he tried to look back at the one staring over at him, but they had vanished. Or so he thought, unaware that Goku had quickly hid himself more into the corner as he had locked eyes with Vegeta.

"Brain freeze!!! Brain freeeeeeze!...brain freeeeze!" Nappa whined as he continued to chant out nonsense.

One member of the public crouched down by him trying to soothe him, they glanced up at Yamcha and Vegeta who were both face palming. "I think your friend is having a seizure!"

"Uh...nah he just drank his latte too fast is all." Yamcha shrugged staring down at Nappa who was still rocking back and forth massaging his temples.

"We should call an ambulance!" Chichi shouted from across the room as she ran over getting her phone out.

"No,he's just an idiot." Vegeta took a sip of his drink ignoring the judgmental glares.

Nappa sure enough quickly came round and got up from the ground dusting himself off. "Boy, I hate when that happens, it's like the cold just goes straight to my brain ya know?" He looked around at everyone stood with a shocked expression. "Hey, why's everyone looking at me?"

"See." Vegeta sighed before grabbing Nappa by the arm. "He's an idiot, nothing to see here." There were some whispers shared between the crowd as they shook their heads at them. "Fucking move it!" Vegeta snarled at Nappa pushing him forward. He glanced back as they started to walk out the coffee shop, he noticed Goku staring at him again causing him to smirk and wink over at him before continuing to walk out the shop.


Goku's face heated crimson as Vegeta winked over at him, he didn't realise he was staring at him again. His heart fluttered with excitement, could this person be Devon? Had he finally got to see the face behind the voice he had fallen in love with. He smiled widely, unable to fight it back as his friends glanced back at him. He couldn't wait for next time he was due to call Devon.

(Guys, I have no idea why I write people drinking coffee in my books...I can't stand the smell let alone the taste.)

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