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"Now this is the oven, you got to be really careful cos it can burn ya. Now watch as I slowly ease my hand in with a oven mitt." Nappa smiled over at Vegeta who looked unenthusiastic. He managed to get Vegeta a week trial in the bakery with him. Vegeta didn't want to go back to his old work, reluctantly agreed to this. He sighed watching Nappa go through the simple step by step guide, on how to use an oven. "Always good to wear protection." Nappa raised a brow at him.

Vegeta gritted his teeth, he switched off as Nappa continued to waffle on about oven safety. He was starting to contemplate if it was worth going to prison for throwing Nappa in the damn oven. He tapped his index finger against his chin, going through his options, till the annoying voice broke through his thoughts.

"Vegeta."  Nappa frowned folding his arms.

"Yes, that's the oven very nice..." he rolled his eyes.

"At least show you are interested. This is a very serious job you know."

"Can't be that serious if they employed you." He muttered under his breath. Who even gave this guy access to go near the ovens?



"Are you still upset about your boyfriend...oh wait you don't have a boyfriend now do you?" Nappa scratched the side of his head.

Vegeta's eyes widened in shock, his brow twitched seeing Nappa stood still staring back at him with no expression. "Did you jus- did you just fucking burn me?!"

"What? No. You are nowhere near the oven, and I'm wearing protection." He waved his oven mitt at him with a gormless expression.

"Whatever, I'm going for a smoke." He huffed storming off whilst pulling out a cigarette from his packet. He walked outside into the back lane lighting his cigarette. Trying his best to block out his thoughts of Goku, how much he really missed him. The longer Goku ignored him, the harder it was for him to keep his mind focused on other things. He caught from the corner of his eye one of the female bakers eyeing him up and down. He let out a grunt, exhaling the smoke past his lips and glared at her. "What are you gawking at? You want to suck my dick or something?!" He was not expecting the following response to pass her lips.

"Yes." Her cheeks heated up, as she kept her stare on him.

Moments later, he was leaned against the wall, sobbing as he finished his cigarette. Whilst his cock was being sucked by the gawking woman. Perhaps not one of his finest moments, he wasn't able to hold back his tears, as they flowed so freely past his cheek.

The woman stopped, she slid her mouth off his cock and glance up at him. Her brows furrowed watching him wiping away his tears not paying attention on her. "Are you crying?"

"God this blow job is terrible." He sulked, he slowly tried to compose himself fighting back any more tears.

She rose to her feet crossing her arms with look of disgust, that caught his attention. "Um, excuse me?"

He gulped and gave her a nervous titter. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yeah, okay. So I'm going back in now." She adjusted her top whilst walking away rather embarrassed.

"Okay."  He shrugged and started to cry again. Mostly how much he missed Goku, he wasn't really paying much attention on the blow job.

Nappa popped his head out the back door, he noticed Vegeta leaning against the wall crying, his cock still out. "Hey Vegeta, what's wrong?" He asked as he approached him. He didn't get a response, and glanced down at the exposed cock that Vegeta was too upset to even notice. He sighed, and started to stroke Vegeta's cock.

That sure enough got Vegeta's attention as his eyes widened glancing down in horror. "Nappa, What are you doing?!" He shrieked glaring at Nappa.

"I'm helping you out." He shrugged and looked down at the unexcited cock. "Nothing is coming out?"

"Stop!" He hissed slapping Nappa's hand away and quickly tucked his cock away.

"You've gone soft." Nappa frowned folding his arms.

"Oh my fucking-" Vegeta's face started to heat up, he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please, please just leave."

"You know Yamcha has tablets for that."

"What?!" He wrinkled his face up at him. If it wasn't bad crying whilst having a blow job, he'd just been assaulted by his housemate.

"They are these blue tablets, I was rock solid for hours. They will help your problem right there, is that why your boyfriend left? You got soft too soon?"

A loud yelp, clash, and bang sound was heard. Before Vegeta stormed back into the bakery rolling down his sleeves whilst muttering profanities.

Nappa followed shortly after, nursing his head. "Was it something I said Vegeta?" He frowned as Vegeta ignored him.

Vegeta started to wipe down the counter tops, least Nappa gave him something else to focus on. Granted for the wrong reasons, but it sort of helped. His eyes trailed up seeing one of the customers waiting to be served. Next to them was a familiar face who smiled over at him and leaned against the counter from the opposite side. "Gine?"

"Raditz told me that his friend got you job in here." She smiled at his shocked look.


"Look, I know you two still care for each other. I've never seen anyone make my son so happy as you have."

"Well, he doesn't want to talk to me anymore so-"

"He will." She handed him a keycard belonging to one of the popular hotels, not far from home.

He furrowed his brows holding the key card. "What's this?"

"Tomorrow night we are attending a family members  50th birthday party there. My son doesn't know that I've booked room for you two. As far as he's aware, he's got a double room to himself as I lied saying all single rooms were fully booked." She giggled to herself at her sons naivety.

"I don't understand, why are you doing this?"

"Because, I believe you two need to talk somewhere away from others. And because I know he really loves you, and I can tell you feel the same way. Look, I know you lied about your job to him. You obviously had some genuine reason behind it right?" She watched Vegeta frown at the card avoiding her eye contact. "It's up to you what you choose to do, I won't tell him either way."

"He's not going to listen to me Gine, thanks anyway." He tried to pass her the keycard back, only for her to push the card back.

"Just keep hold of it the now, and think on it."

"Are you basically telling me to fuck your son?" He raised a brow and gulped seeing her stern look. "Sorry."

"I was only thinking it was somewhere you two could get a chance to talk."

"Soon as he sees me there, he will walk out."

"I'm sure you know ways to get him to listen. It's up to you." She smiled and quickly walked out. Leaving Vegeta study the keycard. He pursed his lips and placed it in his pocket, before continuing to wipe down the counters. He wasn't sure if he should go to the hotel room or not, uncertainty swirled in his thoughts; would he even be given a second chance?

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