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Vegeta rubbed his half awoken eyes and smiled lazily at Goku who was laying next to him. Goku smiled back staring tentatively at Vegeta's alluring eyes, that left such an invigorating feeling. The more time he spent with Vegeta, the more guilt he felt for still talking to Devon. Perhaps he should stop talking to Devon, or at least explain his feelings to him. Their eyes locked on like magnets, both had guilt eating up inside, so eager to confess; yet afraid to hurt the others feelings. Their sweet moment didn't last long, for the bedroom door swung open, causing them both to sit up.

"Vegeta, you aren't having sex in here are you?!" Nappa asked whilst holding his phone against his ear.

Vegeta rested the palm of his hand against his forehead. "Does it look like we are having sex Nappa?"

Nappa stared blankly at the pair, who were both staring back at him with an annoyed expression.  He went back to his phone conversation. "No gran, they are not having sex."

"Are you seriously telling your grandmother about this?" Vegeta scoffed, he climbed out of bed and stormed towards Nappa.

"I tell her everything about you, including your job at the-"


Nappa wrinkled his nose up with a flabbergasted look. "Factory? No, you know the job at-"

Vegeta started to push Nappa out of the room before Nappa had the chance to finish his sentence. He glanced over at Goku who looked over at him pensively.  "Excuse me for a minute Kakarot."

"Kakarot? Isn't that the one you-"

Vegeta grunted grabbing Nappa by the ear and stormed him down the corridor. "Are dating, yes Nappa. See you aren't that slow." He said through his teeth, whilst checking Goku hadn't followed them. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He hissed grabbing the phone off Nappa,and hanging up on Nappa's beloved grandmother.

"What's wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you Princess?" He frowned folding his arms.

Vegeta clenched his fists, he caught Yamcha walking out of the bathroom from behind Nappa. "Yamcha, will you watch this one?!"

Yamcha frowned and hunched his shoulders. He was getting fed up looking after the man child. Vegeta usually was the one to keep Nappa in line, however he seemed more preoccupied these days. "I've been watching him for weeks, can't I have a break? It's like looking after a lost puppy."

"Get a fucking leash for him then!" Vegeta sneered, and stormed off towards his bedroom.

Nappa furrowed his brows watching Vegeta storm off whilst muttering insults under his breath. He scratched his head and looked over at Yamcha. "do you think Vegeta has a crush on me?"

"Yeah sure Nappa, whatever." Yamcha said mid yawn.

There was a glint in Nappa's eye as he gasped. "I knew it." He beamed looking over at the direction of where Vegeta stormed off. He only seen Vegeta as his annoying little brother that always prevented him from having fun. But then that cubicle incident always made him question, and then there were times  Vegeta would only seem to have sex with his boyfriend when Nappa was home. Nappa furrowed his brows, deep in thought...was Vegeta trying to make him jealous? "I should of known." He mumbled and shook his head whilst scratching his balls. " I just don't know how to break it to him, that I don't like him that way."

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