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Coffee aromas quilted the room around them,leaving a warm welcoming feeling.Admiring the recycled milk bottle lights that hung above spiralling downwards. His eyes skimmed through the old news paper articles and photos that were hung proudly on the sepia walls. Finishing his coffee whilst he continued to look around the room, he quickly averted his attention back on Goku.The coffee shop wasn't as busy, mainly as it was a Sunday. The ambience of the room was pretty mellow, there were the usual regulars who would chat to the staff, and ask how their day had been.

"Any particular reason why you chose this place?" He asked before taking a bite of the rest of his toastie.

Goku dusted the crumbs off his trousers, his cheeks warmed up looking back at Vegeta's inquisitive look. His eyes so alluring to him, leaving a warm fuzzy feeling inside. "Was feeling a lil sentimental."

He almost choked on his food, whilst looking at the glint in Goku's eyes. He never paid attention to the layout of the coffee shop, it was his first time actually eating inside the place. He realised they were sat in the place they first made eye contact. Wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, he gave a small smile and crumpled up the napkin in his hand. "So, you brought me to the place you first perved on me?" He grinned widely at Goku's nervous laugh. "How romantic of you."

"Too corny for you?" Goku asked with a nervous grin whilst scratching the back of his head.

"It's fine." he stretched his leg under the table and rested his foot between Goku's legs. He smirked seeing Goku squirm and look around the room. "How you feeling after last night's fiasco?"

"I feel better it's off my chest, but Uh...I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't of said anything in front of everyone."

Vegeta quirked a brow and leaned back folding his arms. "You don't say."

Goku sighed rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not sure if my brother will ever speak to me again."

"Tch, he will, as well as compare sausage sizes." He snorted.

"Urgh don't, did you see how my parents reacted to it all?"

"Never mind your parents, your whole family that were there." He snickered recalling the old couple that were sat opposite with confused expression.

"This may seem a very random question to ask, but...have you and my mom met before or something?"

"Yes." He finished his coffee, he was dreading this. His hands started to feel clammy, as his heart pounded in his ears. "last night. You were there."

Goku had a pensive expression, the way his mother acted last night and how Vegeta was acting now; convinced him that they met before. He pursed his lips giving Vegeta a sceptical look. "Serious Vegeta, because I could tell the way she was acting that she knew you."

Vegeta dropped his foot from between Goku's legs, he let out a short breath of air staring at the ceiling, before composing himself and looked directly back at Goku. "You probably won't like to know where I've seen your mother before."

"Okay, now I'm more intrigued." Goku leaned forward resting his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together.

"It was some bachelorette Party-"

Goku interrupted with a chortle, he leaned back holding the wall of his stomach, the thought of Vegeta at a bachelorette tickled him. "you went to a bachelorette party?"

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