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Two days since finding out about his boyfriends job. He tried to go back into some form of normality. He spent a whole day crying, it hurt that Vegeta still lied even when he confronted him. He didn't want to hear the excuses, so chose the best way was to completely ignore and move on. Despite putting on a brave face in front of others, his mother could see through him. She leaned against the shelf watching her son stock checking. Observing his straight face, and the fact he had remained quiet during their shift, she knew something wasn't quite right.
"Is everything okay sweetie?"

"Yes." He answered so abruptly whilst continuing the stock check. He was too afraid to even turn to face his mother, she was good at getting him to open up to her like a book.

"You haven't spoken about Vegeta, everything okay between you two?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." He gulped and choked back some tears. Emotions still so raw from that night.

"have you two had a fallen out?" Gine placed here hand lovingly on her sons shoulder. She watched as he began to crumble, wiping away the stray tears that started to glisten down his cheeks. "Come on, lets talk about this." She held onto his hand guiding him into the back room.

"I Can't." He rubbed the heel of his hands against his eyes. Slowly trying to compose himself, fighting back another shed tear.

"Why can't you?" gently she held onto his wrists pulling his hands away from his face.

"It's hard, I love him but at the same time I'm so upset and hurt by him."

"What's happened?"

"I found out about a lie, and even when I confronted him, he denied it."

"Okay." she folded her arms, watching as her son was now slouched against the wall, his head hung low. "What was it he lied about?" She had her suspicion it was about his job, just based on how he had reacted at the meal. She also done some digging around afterwards seeing there wasn't any glass factories near by. Of course, she didn't want to confront her son about it. "Well?" She asked again as he remained silent.

"I can't say." He sighed slowly looking back at his mother.

Not wanting to push further. She smiled and rested her hand on his shoulder. "Well, whatever it is I'm sure you two will work it out." She planted a kiss on his cheek before heading back out to continue her shift.

After his short shift in work, he met up with Chichi outside his brothers work. Chichi had arranged for them to meet up with some friends, in hope to cheer him up. He kept his hands in his pockets, with his shoulders slouched whilst she continued to talk about her day. She stopped and spun on her heel seeing the doleful look on Goku's face.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." he gave her a slight smile and looked down at his feet.

Raditz leaned over the counter looking over at Chichi."He's having a bit of a lovers tiff."

She raised her brow over at Raditz. "oh, what about?"

As Raditz was about to open his mouth with a response, Goku sighed stepping between the two. He really didn't want to hear about it, nor have his friends aware of the whole situation. As far as his friends were aware, he was just feeling down with work. "Just leave it please. Besides we are suppose to be meeting everyone else soon." He lightly nudged Chichi to follow him.

Chichi smiled back at Raditz, both showing their concerns. She reluctantly started to follow Goku, she wasn't sure what else to say. There was an awkward silence between the two as they continued to slowly walk away from his brothers work. They stopped as Goku scowled over seeing Vegeta now stood in front of them.

"Will you talk to me?" Vegeta tried to reach out to hold Goku's arm, and sighed as he quickly shrugged him off. Chichi sensing the awkward tension between the pair, took a couple of steps back.


"So you are going to keep ignoring me, instead of discussing this?"

Nappa rushed over, and tapped Vegeta on the shoulder whilst looking over at Goku. "Vegeta, I don't know ...but I'm just getting this angry vibe from him." He said in an audible whisper. Vegeta stepped forward away from Nappa, keeping his focus on Goku. Nappa went to tap on Vegeta's shoulder again, and was quickly pulled away by Yamcha as they continued to head towards Raditz. Whenever they had walked by the mall, Nappa always wanted to pop in to see Raditz. It was fortunate that Vegeta had chose to join them, considering he'd been mostly spending the last couple of days inside in just his underwear.

Vegeta sighed watching Goku avoiding eye contact. "You can't keep ignoring me."

"I can."

"Well, you just answered me there."

"Just fuck off!"

"Not till you at least hear me out!"

"And how do I know it's not just going to be another, bullshit story from you?"

"I only lied about my job."

"You confess to lying now? Bit late don't you think."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? -Sorry that you actually got caught out?" He choked back his tears. Vegeta seeing him upset slowly approached him and placed a hand on his arm for comfort. "Don't fucking touch me." He shoved Vegeta back.

"I care about you a lot, fuck- I've left my job for you!"

"You know, you really made me feel embarrassed. Especially when you had a go at me, stating that it was for desperate people who had no lives."

"And I'm sorry, I even said I was sorry then."

"Just fuck off, I'm done talking to you." He started to walk off in opposite direction, hinting for Chichi to follow him. She sighed and hesitantly followed whilst looking over at Vegeta who was following behind.

"I wanted to tell you, I really did. However, I'd of got in shit if my work found out."

Goku stopped, he clicked his tongue as he slowly turned to face Vegeta who was stood just inches behind him. "You thought I'd of said something to them?"

"No, just they'd of found out somehow.  we are not suppose to get close to our callers like that."

Chichi knitted her brows together. She tugged onto Goku's jacket. "Goku, What is he talking about?"

"Nothing." He shrugged it off keeping his glare on Vegeta.

"Will you just give me another chance."

He laughed abruptly, and scowled seeing Vegeta furrow his brows at him. "No." He turned around and started to walk away again.

"So that's it then, just going to fuck off like that? Over a fucking job?!"

Goku paused, there were some odd glances from onlookers who were walking past them. He pursed his lips and slowly spun on his heel looking over at Vegeta. "No, it's because you are an manipulative liar. I can't trust you. Now stay the fuck away from me!" He snarled, and started to storm off with Chichi quickly following behind; making occasional apologetic glances over at Vegeta. Fighting back his tears, he refused to turn back. Even if his own words tasted so sour in his mouth. Of course he still loved him, but he was still so hurt.

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