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Goku stepped inside the hotel room, and let out a small puff of air;as he dumped his overnight bag to the side. Slowly his eyes trailed forward, his brows furrowed. There was a chair placed central of the room, facing towards the window . As he stepped more forward, he noticed lit candles spaced around the room. He raised a brow seeing Vegeta walk from the corner of the room, and stand in front of the chair.

"Five minutes is all I'm asking for, if you want to leave after that, then that's fine." He rested his hand above his hip, and watched as Goku gave him a scrutinised look. Vegeta was wearing tight black jeans, with a plain white top that hugged his figure. He hoped it would be enough to at least draw in Goku's attention. With his other hand, he pointed it towards the chair that was facing him.

"Okay."  Goku kept his attention on Vegeta as he hesitantly sat down.

"Thank you." slowly he approached Goku and held onto the zipper of Goku's jacket giving Goku an alluring look. "May I?" He smiled as Goku gave him a slight nod. Slowly he helped Goku take his jacket off and throw it aside. He took a few steps back locking his eyes onto Goku's. "I'm not very good with my words, so I thought I'd find another way to apologise."

Goku swallowed hard, his attention still on Vegeta's perfectly toned body. "What do you-" before he got a chance to finish, Vegeta quickly interrupted.

"Please, just let me." He chuckled watching Goku cock his head to the side, watching as he set his phone on the speakers. His heart beating uncontrollably, just being in the same room as Goku. Their eyes locked as 'Angel- massive attack' started to play in the background. He faced Goku and slowly started to unbuckle his belt.

Goku dug his nails into his lap, biting on his bottom lip. His heart rate slowly increasing,watching Vegeta sensually move.

Knowing he had Goku watching his every movement, he held the belt between his legs and rocked his hips against it. Licking his top lip he gave Goku a lascivious wink, as he threw his belt aside.his fingers roaming oh so sensually over his revealing top that hugged against his toned torso. His body rolled and swayed whilst slowly rucking up his top. Exposing his body, inch by inch.

Goku's leg twitched in anticipation, his mouth watering. Watching Vegeta's body move so erotically alongside the music, he was feeling so lustfully delirious. He bit back a small moan that threatened to pass his lips, watching Vegeta revealing his luscious body so painfully slow. He loved every curve, every dent, just everything about Vegeta's body. His cock starting to harden, as Vegeta now had his top half fully exposed. He'd love to curve his tongue around the sculpted body.Vegeta was now swinging his top above his head. His other hand sensually gliding down his toned body.

Vegeta threw his top at Goku with a wink as he lowered his body seductively down to the floor. He grinded his hips against the floor, whilst his eyes locked onto Goku's predatory gaze. Slowly, seductively, he crawled towards Goku. His hands rested on either side of Goku's lap. Their eyes remained locked in as he spread Goku's legs open. His body glided elegantly up against Goku's, their bodies just touching, feeling the warmth radiating between them. So close to making him lose his senses. "Want me to help with that?" He smirked holding onto the bottom of Goku's top.

Goku so hypnotised in this moment, could only nod his head in response. He lifted his arms up allowing Vegeta to lift his top over his head.

Staring deeply into each other's eyes, their lips so close to connecting. They could feel each others warm breath coating their faces. Vegeta rested his hand on the back of Goku's head, pulling him in for a kiss. Their lips only parted slightly as their tongues brushed against the other. Vegeta rocked his hips against Goku, feeling soft cold hands roaming down his upper body. They craved each other so badly, their kiss got more sloppy, as their breathing became heavier. Vegeta pulled back from the kiss, and turned, his back now facing Goku. He started to grind himself against Goku's crotch whilst undoing his trousers. He bit back a moan feeling firm hands slide up his body, and rub against his erect nipples. Slowly he pulled down his trousers taking a step forward, ensuring Goku had a good view of his backside as he slid his trousers off completely. Slowly he turned, wearing tight underwear that hugged around his bulge. His thumbs traced down his V-line and rested just above the elastic.

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