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Having the weekend off work, he had planned for Vegeta to come over. He knew what was going to happen, yet his nerves still got the better of him. He was excited yet worried that he may get stood up, after all he wasn't sure if he came across a little desperate from the text he sent. He decided to dress smart casual, with a smart top and jeans that didn't hug too tightly around his figure but just enough to show off his toned muscles. Guilt swirled in as he hadn't told Devon that he had indeed met Vegeta, nor did he plan to mention that he had Vegeta come back to his. He was torn between the two men, and he didn't want to hurt either of their feelings, however he was craving for that touch. An itch deep within that he needed to scratch, that Devon wouldn't be able to satisfy over the phone.

After spending an hour mentally prepping himself, he walked  into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. He had a quick glance at the luminous digital clock of the oven, which confirmed that time was slowing down. He started pacing back and forth in his apartment waiting for a knock on the front door. Cold sweat started to glisten on his brow, his stomach knotted up in nervousness. The slower time went, the more nervous he got. Thoughts clouded his mind, he was torn between two men one he never met in person. How was it even possible to even have such feelings for the one he never met? And the other he barely knew but found so breathtakingly hot. He heard the doorbell ring and a harsh knock on the door, his own heart beat drummed through his ears started to beat hard against his chest. He walked towards the door, his palms sweating as he reached out to open it. Another knock at the door caused him to feel his own pulse against his neck and side of his temples, small lump forming inside causing to swallow hard as he opened the door. Vegeta was now stood in front of him, he was holding his leather jacket over his shoulder, his other hand rested on his hip. Goku bit down on his lip taking a step to the side allowing Vegeta inside. His eyes scanned Vegeta's body, tight jeans with tight plain white top that hugged such sculpted perfection; so enticing. Goku shut the door, he closed his eyes taking deep breaths to calm his nerves. Slowly he turned to face Vegeta again who had thrown his jacket over the sofa , Vegeta wasted no time and leaped forward pulling Goku in for a rough kiss. His hand rested firmly on the back of Goku's head to deepen the kiss. Hungry lips bruising against the other, and only parting to allow their tongues to massage together. Goku's hands trailed up Vegeta's sides, feeling every crevice of the well toned body. Goku's tongue swirled around Vegeta's, warm minty breaths; breathing so heavily against the other leaving them feeling lightheaded. Goku parted from their rough fiery kiss, he grinned as Vegeta's dark lustful eyes locked into his. "Hello to you too." He chuckled a little.

Vegeta returned the grin, he traced the outline of Goku's lips with the tip of his tongue. His hands tugging at the waistline of Goku's trousers. "You've all I been thinking about recently." He confessed in a husky tone.

Fine hairs on the back of Goku's neck started to raise as he felt Vegeta's lips crash against his nape. A low moan erupted from his throat, feeling cold hand groping his semi hardened cock. He pulled back from Vegeta.

"Too much?" Vegeta asked slowly taking a step forward, so that their bodies were near enough pressed against each other.

"No-no this is fine just-" he swallowed hard feeling Vegeta's lips crash against his nape again, his legs threatening to buckle. He placed his hands on Vegeta's shoulders, and lightly held Vegeta back. "Can we continue this somewhere a little more comfortable?" He smiled nervously as his eyes trailed towards his bedroom. Vegeta's eyes followed the same direction he smirked and looked back at Goku taking a step back.

"Lead the way." He smiled at Goku seductively.

Goku held onto Vegeta's hands walking backwards towards his room, whilst kissing Vegeta on the lips. Their kisses got more sloppy, such sexual thirst for each other. He opened the bedroom door from behind, and they both stumbled in, Vegeta pulled the door shut as he pulled from their kiss. He grinned seeing Goku throw off his shirt, revealing his masculine sculpted body. Goku licked his lips watching Vegeta slowly ruck his top up, revealing his toned out torso. He pulled Vegeta pressing their hot bodies together, planting hungry kisses down Vegeta's neck as Vegeta threw his top to the side. Their hips grinding against the other wantonly, their breathing hitched as they mirrored each others movements teasing the nipples with their fingertips.

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