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Parked outside Vegeta's house, his fingers drumming on the dashboard of his car. He kept staring at the house whilst trying to make a mental decision whether or not to approach the house. His stomach felt as though it was tying itself in knots, he sighed and climbed out the car. He walked slowly towards the house, and stared at the door whilst rehearsing a conversation in his head. He started to feel weak, his legs and arms trembling, a part of him fighting him back from knocking the door. He spun on his heel and started to walk back to the car, and stopped just meters away from his car. Small deep breaths, he turned back to face the house again, he swallowed hard as he was back walking to the front door. Before his subconscious mind could pull him back again, he knocked the door and froze. He felt so silly stood outside waiting for someone to answer the door, fears and doubts clouding his thoughts. As he was about to spin on his heel and walk back to the car the door opened, he gulped seeing Vegeta stood topless with just pair of loose bottoms on.

Goku gave a small grin whilst scratching the back of his neck, doing his best to not stare at Vegeta's exposed top half. "I know this is probably weird of me just showing up like this but-"

"Come in." Vegeta blurted as he nodded his head to the side allowing Goku to walk in. Goku followed him into the living room, where Vegeta then crashed onto the sofa looking up at him.

"about that night..."

Vegeta raised a brow, he looked down at the space next to him hinting for Goku to sit down. "It's fine, it's water under the bridge. I understand you have feelings for someone else."

Goku sighed, he sat next to Vegeta resting his hands on his lap. "That's the thing, I haven't stopped thinking about you. I'm just wondering if you Uh...if you feel the same way about me?"

"I wouldn't of come on to you if I didn't."


"I'm so glad you came to visit me actually, I was wondering if you were interested in me." Vegeta raised his brows seeing Goku's face light up.


"Well are you?"

"Am I what?"

Vegeta leaned back crossing his arms with a light chuckle, he smiled at Goku who's face was slowly turning crimson. "Interested in me?"

"Oh, well that's why I'm here." he gulped looking back at Vegeta, his heart threatening to leap out his chest.

"Oh really now?" he smirked knowing he got Goku right where he wanted him. He leaned over guiding his hands down to the zip of Goku's jeans. He kept his focus on Goku, seeing Goku's breathing starting to get heavy in anticipation, he grinned widely knowing he was wanting the same thing.

Goku watched Vegeta unzip his jeans, and tug at his pants to release his semi hardened cock. He blushed looking back at Vegeta who leaned back on the sofa and sensually slid his hand down to his own pants, not breaking eye contact as he pulled out his own cock. As though they could read each others minds, Goku crawled forward, now hovering above Vegeta. Their lips locked as they palmed their hands round the other cock. " you think this is a lil too" Goku panted feeling Vegeta giving his cock long firm strokes, he mimicked the movements on Vegeta's cock. Their lips crashed against the other as they continued to stroke their now fully erect twitching cocks.

"Do you want me to stop?" Vegeta asked as he parted his lips, their warm breaths coating their faces from their heavy pants. He smirked seeing Goku's brows scrunched together biting back his moans as Vegeta continued to stroke the cock, with more firm and twist motion by the head of the cock. He could tell Goku wasn't wanting it to stop as much as he didn't. He arched his back as Goku started to stroke his cock harder and faster. Their lips crashed again as they thrusted their hips into each others hands.

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