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A year had flown since the two rekindled their relationship, Vegeta was still working in the bakery store with Nappa, much to his displeasure. He was grateful he only had to see Nappa during work, as he had got an apartment with Goku, no longer having to live with Nappa or Yamcha anymore. Raditz had split up with Launch , he chose to do some travelling away from home mostly to get away from her harassment. Since Raditz wasn't planing to settle down anytime soon after that fiasco, Gine focus had been on her youngest sons relationship with Vegeta; questioning when they were planing to marry or at least elope so they didn't have to deal with family drama. It wasn't something that ever crossed the couples mind, they were content just being together; getting to know each other better than the alter egos. Goku had joked with his mother, that if he and Vegeta didn't marry within the next twenty years then she can plan a surprise wedding for them. What concerned Vegeta with that was, she did seem the type that would do it.

Vegeta leaned on the counter in his work, it was another mundane day that he couldn't wait to clock out of the place. One of his colleagues who had given him a blow job last year, during his break up -was still working there, so that would always make it slightly awkward. Especially if they had walked past each other to and from the break out area. What an awkward blow job that was, when he had told Goku about the ordeal he had been through he'd simply laugh; till Vegeta mentioned about him breaking his leg climbing out the neighbours window. He was so glad Bardock had shared that story with him, he enjoyed teasing Goku about it. His phone rung disturbing his cloud of thoughts, he glanced down and smirked as he quickly answered it.

"Hello Kakarot."

"So, I'm missing you,"

"You'll be seeing me after work," he chuckled glancing at the time, he only had another hour to go.

"True, however-I'm feeling horny right now."

"Are you now?" A small glint appeared in the corner of his eye, his lip curled mischievously as he scanned the room.

"Was just wondering if you could-help me?"

"Just a sec," he cupped his phone as he walked towards Nappa who was playing flappy bird on his phone. Vegeta raised a brow at it then back at Nappa, "I'm taking my break now, cover for me," he waved his hand dismissively at him whilst he started to head towards the bathroom.

"Is it because I took your last cigarette? I said I was sorry," Nappa whined throwing his phone aside as Vegeta had distracted him causing him to lose, just as he managed to get so far in the game. Sad times.

Vegeta rolled his eyes hearing Nappa wailing in the background, he locked himself in the bathroom and licked his lips as he pressed his phone against his ear. "Where were we?"

"So, I'm stroking my cock thinking of you and-"

"What would you do if I was there with you now?"

"Well...I wouldn't be calling you?"

"Fuck sake," he chuckled whilst pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay-okay, I'd imagine you just finished doing a strip tease for me, revealing that hot body of yours-"

"You know, would be a nice treat if you stripped down for me one day?" He bite on his lip as he started to rub his crotch, fuck was he feeling horny now.

"I do that anyway?"

"You know what I meant," he licked his lips simply imagining Goku doing a strip tease for him.

"Oh,I wouldn't know how to do it the way you do."

"Hm, guess I'll need to give you a lesson on it, can't guarantee that it won't end up leading to other things."  He chuckled snaking his hand down inside his pants and palming his hand around his hardened cock. "Anyway, I'm naked in front of you and I'm going to-" he paused as he heard a loud knock on the door, causing the two to sigh down the line.

"Vegeta are you doing that phone sex thing again?!" Nappa called out from the other side of the door.


"It really sounds like you are, you got to wash your hands afterwards and-"

"Fuck off Nappa!" He gritted his teeth quickly pulling his hand out his pants, his cock had quickly gone flaccid hearing Nappa's voice in the background.

"I-I'll see you later babe," Goku said with a tittering laugh.

Vegeta frowned and sighed "fine," he ended the call, and washed his hands, he groaned as he could tell Nappa was pressing his ear against the door ensuring he was washing his hands. He dried his hands and opened the door causing Nappa to almost fall into him.

"Wow, that was a quick one." Nappa beamed in amazement.

"You know something, I know what you are actually talented in." He crossed his arms watching Nappa stare at him in anticipation to what he was about to say, "Being a cock blocker!" He clenched his fist shaking it at him before storming off. Damn that discombobulated son of a bitch, damn him to hell!

Nappa's smile widened, never had he been told what he was so good at before. His smile faded as he scrunched  his brows in confusion whilst scratching the side of his head. "Wait, What do cock blockers do?"


From being cock blocked and having to listen to Nappa question what he had meant. He was glad to be back home with his boyfriend after spending the last hour that had felt like a day stuck with Nappa pestering him. Vegeta had arrived home to a surprise meal, and of course what better way to eat said meal with his boyfriend half naked in front of him. The two discussed their day in work, there wasn't really a dull moment at the bakery since Vegeta was working with Nappa. There was an incident where Vegeta jokingly told Nappa to stick his cock in one of the pastries, to check the temperature. Mainly because Nappa had questioned if they were done, and he wasn't too trusting of the thermometer to which Vegeta's response was "why don't you stick your dick in it." Surprisingly Nappa did just that, and that was fun to fill in the accident papers. How on Earth Nappa was still working there, not even Vegeta knew. Goku was still working in the same place with his mother, not much would happen in his work compared to Vegeta's. He always got excited to hear any funny tales that had happened in his boyfriends work, and he was never left disappointed. On finishing their meal together, the two played around in the kitchen, Vegeta done his best to show Goku ways to strip tease which had ended up him doing another private show for him. Smiles and seductive looks exchanged between the pair, the ended up cuddled in bed, their legs entwined staring deeply into each other's eyes.

"Vegeta," Goku smiled smoothing down side of his boyfriends arm, both of them staring deeply into the others half lidded eyes. "I don't think I've ever told you, just how much I love you," he exhaled and smiled widely.

"You tell me everyday," he chuckled and held Goku's hand. "And everyday I tell you the exact same-" he leaned in planting a delicate kiss on Goku's lips, slowly he parted his lips and stroked the side of Goku's face "I love you more Kakarot."

The two smiled widely, their hearts drumming in sync, they kissed each other passionately. Never would they of thought- they'd fall for each other as deeply as they have, and it had started from hearing each others voice first.


A/N - who knows, this may be a to be continued....

For now, this book has officially ended.


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