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"So, anything new going on with you? Such as love interests?" Raditz raised a brow at his brother whilst serving one of the customers a drink. He worked in an open food court in the shopping mall, whenever his family or friends were to visit locally; they always popped over to see him for a quick chat.

Goku let out a sigh and grinned over at his brother. "Let me guess, our parents have said something to you?"

"Well-" he handed the customer their change ignoring the customers scowl for not talking to them.  "You know what they are like, of course they said something to me bro. They think we'd talk about things like this."

Goku looked over at his friend Chichi who had same inquisitive look as his brother. They had been friends for years, and even she could see he was hiding something. "There's no one, I've said this so many times now."

"Hey, I'm not saying anything."  Chichi shrugged, she exchanged looks with Raditz as they both laughed a little seeing how flustered Goku was getting.

"Even if there was someone, I wouldn't tell you." Goku huffed as they both stopped laughing.

"So that means there is someone?" Radtiz leaned over the counter poking at his brother.

Goku shrugged his brother off and took a step back. "no." 

Raditz grinned leaning back from the counter, he folded his arms. "How would we know? like you said, you wouldn't tell us." 

Goku looked at his brother dumbfounded, his cheeks started to heat up slightly which Chichi and his brother could see the crimson burning through. He couldn't think of a response, for there was someone he was interested in. It was silly to say, he was falling for someone he never met, only spoken to over the phone. He'd get excited on the days he'd get to speak to Devon again, was it becoming unhealthy, feelings for a person he'd never get to meet?. Feelings for a hotline worker, how would he even begin to admit such a thing?.

Chichi waved her hand in front of Goku's trance like stare. "hello?" she clicked her fingers in front of his face, and laughed as he blinked whilst lightly shaking his head back into reality.

"Yeah, he's got a crush alright, look at him daydreaming and blushing." Raditz chuckled at him.

"No. Just stop!" Goku chided, he glared at his brother before storming off.

Chichi exchanged looks with Raditz, they rolled their eyes before she started to catch up with Goku. She caught him waiting by the escalators for her, his shoulders hunched, arms folded and a pout set on his face. She couldn't help but laugh at him, as she slowly approached him he let out a puff of air in annoyance. "Thought we were going to have lunch by your brothers work?"

"changed my mind." He huffed and started to head up the escalators with Chichi following behind.

Chichi giggled at him, which caused him to glare over his shoulder at her. "You are behaving like a child Goku, we were only teasing." 

As they reached to the second floor Goku sighed, he knew he probably did over react; however he was embarrassed. How do you tell your friends and family that you been calling sexline, it's just not something you'd freely admit to. He looked at Chichi with a slight smile. "sorry." he said so reluctantly, he was still annoyed with how she and his brother teased him.

"So, anywhere up here you want to go to?" Chichi looked around, she already eyed up one of the fragrance shops on their way up.

Goku shrugged, he wasn't really interested on going to the mall. He sighed as Chichi linked arms with him dragging him towards one of the shops she'd seen. His eyes trailed over at couples holding hands and displaying other public affection, he felt a little emptiness seeing such display as it was something he wanted for himself. He trailed his eyes back at Chichi who was smiling at him as they approached closer to the shop.


At the same shopping mall, Vegeta followed Nappa, and Yamcha into the food court area. They were actually on their way to one of the arcades that wasn't far from the shopping mall. Nappa had rushed towards the mall causing the other two to reluctantly follow him in.

"Why the fuck are we in here?" Yamcha sighed tucking his hands in his pockets scuffing his feet along the floor.

Vegeta glared over at Nappa who was stood  by Raditz. "Fuck if I know." They approached Nappa and both stood opposite glaring at him. "Does this look like the arcade to you?" he quirked his brow at Nappa.

Nappa looked around and raised a brow back at Vegeta. "Vegeta, you know this isn't the arcade, why ask a dumb question like that?" he looked back at Raditz. "Sorry, he isn't always this stupid." 

Raditz glanced over at Yamcha and Vegeta then back over to his friend. "So, been up to much?"

"Oh you know the usual, working stupid hours we actually got day off together." Nappa smiled over at the two who were still glaring over at him.

Raditz started to serve one of the customers, he looked over raising a brow at Nappa. "Still working at that call centre huh?"

"No Raditz, its the sex line I work at." He furrowed his brows seeing the look of panic set on Raditz face as  his customer looked back at him with look of disgust. He looked over at Vegeta who palmed his forehead. "Hey, you can't say anything Vegeta you been getting off a lot over one of your callers even hearing you moan out their name-" He felt a hand pressed against his mouth, as Vegeta leaned into him with his teeth on show.

"Shut.the fuck. up!" Vegeta spat ignoring the looks from the public. He hated to admit, but he was starting to feeling something towards Kakarot; it was a very peculiar feeling not something he felt for any of his clients before.

Nappa shoved Vegeta off him as his phone started to ring, he glanced at his phone and looked over at Raditz. "Ah shit, it's my grandmother, speak another time yeah?" he then walked ahead to answer his phone. 

Raditz glanced back at Vegeta who was clenching his fist. "I don't know how you guys can deal with him every day." he admitted.

Yamcha looked over at Raditz before exchanging looks with Vegeta. "It's challenging sometimes." he shrugged, they could hear Nappa talking really loud, his voice echoed in the food court. 

Vegeta rolled his eyes and stormed towards Nappa as everyone started to look over in their direction. Yamcha followed behind smiling nervously as they could hear Nappa openly talk about working at the hotline.

"Yeah should of heard dad, he called this one time and I had to keep professional you'd be very proud of-" Nappa paused seeing Vegeta stood in front of him glaring.

"Get off the phone, everyone can fucking hear you!"  Vegeta pointed towards the people who had all stopped what they were doing looking over at them.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about Vegeta. even my Grandma says its totally natural to masturbate over the phone." Nappa shrugged and proceeded to talk on the phone slowly walking out the mall.

Vegeta stood crimson as everyone looked at him, he looked over at Yamcha and the pair quickly walked out.


Chichi overheard commotion around them, she listened in to some of the whispering and tutted. She grabbed Goku by the arm causing him to stop and look at her. "Did you hear that? these men were openly talking about pleasuring themselves over the phone. How disgusting!" she shook her head in disgust.

Goku gulped looking back at her. "uh...yeah..." he smiled nervously and proceeded to walk ahead.

If only he'd stayed around the food court a little longer, he would of met Devon they were only a level apart; neither were aware.

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