Anniversary meal.

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"So,I just had to stop Nappa from using a fork in the toaster." Yamcha groaned. He offered Vegeta a lighter as they both leaned against the wall outside.

Vegeta rubbed the heel of his hand against his forehead, before grabbing the lighter from Yamcha. "What the fuck?" He scrunched his nose up whilst he lit his cigarette.

"His toast got stuck." He rolled his eyes with a short sigh.

"Well he's your problem tonight." Vegeta tilted his head back as the swirling smoke swept past his lips.

Yamcha gave Vegeta the once over glance, seeing that he was wearing a shirt with casual trousers. "Going somewhere nice I take it?"

Vegeta focused at the night sky whilst taking a long drag of smoke. "Yeah." He answered abruptly as he exhaled the smoke, and flicked the ash from the cigarette.

"Don't sound enthusiastic about it." He raised a brow at Vegeta who continued to stare at the sky. He was about to open his mouth to say something else, till they heard a loud 'smash' and a wail from the kitchen. The pair exchanged looks and rolled their eyes. They stayed outside ignoring Nappa's cries for help, there was then a loud 'bang' sound. Yamcha looked over at Vegeta who glared back at him. "Fine, I'll see what he's broken now." He huffed storming back inside.

Vegeta stubbed out his cigarette as he saw Goku park up outside, they exchanged a nervous smile. The fact Goku had the same nervous expression as him, made him feel worried; he was hoping that at least one of them would be calm. "You don't look excited about this either." He said as he climbed into the passenger seat and buckled his seatbelt.

"Well, my brother and"


"Not the word I was going for-"

"Whatever she is, I'm sure she will act as if nothing happened. So I wouldn't worry." Vegeta let out a grunt as he adjusted the collar of his shirt.

Goku pursed his lips, as they made their way to the venue. He wasn't looking forward to be sat in the same room with his brother and girlfriend; he had avoided them since the meal at their parents.Vegeta placed his hand on his lap, they exchanged a smile and a short sigh, neither looking forward to this meal. The journey was quiet as they both mentally prepped themselves.

Arriving inside the lively venue, a table was set up crowded with people who Goku was still trying to work out how he was related to most of them. His brother waved him over to help with his parents gifts, he sighed and smiled at Vegeta. "Sorry, I've got to go help him with something.You going to be okay?"

Vegeta smiled brushing his thumb over Goku's lips, ignoring the subtle glances over at them. "It's fine. Go help him." he lightly tapped side of Goku's cheek, and spun his heel towards the bar. If he was having to sit for over an hour with his boyfriends family, he may as well get himself a stiff drink. Approaching the bar and making an order, he noticed Gine staring at him, he furrowed his brows glancing back whilst he paid for his drink. He could recall seeing her from somewhere before, but couldn't pinpoint where or when exactly.

"So you're the one dating my son." She smiled and inched herself towards him for a hug.

He gulped, this wasn't good for he started to recall precisely where he had seen her. He wasn't sure if she remembered, he gave a half smile before taking a step back. He cleared his throat and looked away noticing she was studying his face. "I'm going to sit at the table." He started to sip down his drink, as beads of sweat formed on his brow.

"That's where I saw you, I thought I recognised you." Gine giggled as she tapped Vegeta on the arm. "You were at that hen party I went to couple years back." She beamed. Vegeta almost choked on his drink, a living nightmare about to unfold before his very eyes.

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