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"You seem a little tired today?" Gine looked over at her son who looked bleary eyed, slumped against one of the shelves at work. "Did you get enough sleep?"  She questioned as she buttoned up her coat studying Goku's half asleep state. She started to notice change in his behaviour since he started talking to Devon, of course she wasn't aware who exactly he was talking to nor what they talked about. She assumed he may of met someone online, which she was pleased to see how upbeat he seemed since.

"Yeah." He yawned whilst rubbing his eye lids. "Just glad to see the end of this shift is all."  He handed his mother her handbag and followed her towards the car.

"Well you were caught nodding off to sleep a couple of times today. You are lucky the manager is lenient. You can't be falling asleep whilst on the job." Gine climbed into the car, and looked over at Goku who started to yawn again. She raised a brow with a slight grin as she tapped him on his lap. "Alright, who is it?"

"W-what are you talking about?" He gulped and laughed nervously as she kept eye contact on him with a grin.

"I'm your mother, I can tell when you've got a new love interest, shall I remind you about your teen-"

"No, lets not." Goku could feel nervous sweat form above his brow, especially recalling the time his parents had caught him first time experimenting.

Gine giggled planting a kiss on Goku's cheek. "As long as they are making you happy."

Goku could only smile at this whilst his cheeks flushed crimson. It was embarrassing to admit, he got excited speaking to a stranger on the other end of the phone; helping him to pleasure himself. Whenever he heard Devons voice his heart would flutter, and his stomach would tie in knots, high in that sweet lust. He looked back at his mother's humbling smile, perhaps she wouldn't be so supportive if she knew exactly what he was spending  most his money on. Dropping her home, she insisted he'd stay for a cup of coffee. There he was sat in the living room with his parents, he pulled a face at the old school photos of him and his brother.

"So,when do we get to meet them?" Bardock questioned his son, before taking a sip of his coffee. Gine giggled, as she leaned onto Bardock's shoulder, the pair stared over at their red faced son.

"Seriously, there's no one..." Goku gulped down his coffee, his hand shaking involuntary.

Bardock raised a brow he exchanged looks with Gine before looking back at their son. "Sure there isn't." He said in a satire tone, he could tell his son had some form of love interest.

"Trust me, you guys will be the first to know if there's anyone. Right now...there's no one."  Goku smiled at his parents who didn't look the least bit convinced.

"Oh of course son, we believe you." Bardock winked at him.

"No-no really...I'm being honest." Goku laughed nervously seeing his parents smiling over at him, he glanced at his phone and quickly finished off his coffee. He had to head home, have a shower, something to eat, and make a phone call.

Gine and Bardock exchanged looks grinning at one another, they found it so cute how their son would get all flustered ,whenever he shown interest in anyone. Gine grabbed the now empty cup from Goku, she raised her brows seeing Goku starting to head towards the front door. "For someone who has no love interest, you do seem to be leaving in such a hurry."

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