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Vegeta kept his eye on the clock that was hung just above the tv, he flicked the excess ash from his cigarette into the ashtray that was at the side of him. He gritted his teeth as he could hear Nappa walking into the room from behind him, he always seemed to drag his heels wherever he was walking; and it irked Vegeta intensively.

"No work tonight?" Nappa asked whilst staring at the clock.

Vegeta rolled his eyes whilst letting cloud of smoke slip through his lips. "I'm working from home."

Nappa looked rather surprised, he leaned on the arm of the sofa almost knocking the ashtray over. "Again?"

"Yes, for the last time I been picked to do a trial." he stubbed the end of his cigarette in the ash tray, and glanced up seeing Nappa's frown.

"Why haven't I been picked?" Nappa scratched side of his forehead whilst furrowing his brows.

"How did you even get the job?"  He asked in astonishment, he honestly couldn't figure out how he even got such a job in the first place; nor who would pay to listen to Nappa talk.

"Ah, my gran actually helped fill in my application and I just made porn noises during the phone interview and then-"

Vegeta cut in holding his hand out in front of Nappa's face to silence him. "I've heard enough." His eyes were drawn to his lighter that was half tucked in Nappa front coat pocket. "And stop stealing my shit!" He yanked the lighter off him giving him a filthy look, he still wasn't happy about his socks being pinched.

"Hey, you can borrow my underwear if you like." Nappa suggested knowing Vegeta was still annoyed about him wearing his socks.

Vegeta scrunched his face up at him. "Why would I want to borrow your underwear?"

"Well you know, if you have a jizz accident, happens to the best of us." Nappa stated as though this was a totally normal conversation.

"And you are assuming I wouldn't have any spare?" Vegeta quirked a brow at him whilst pulling a face.

"I don't know Vegeta, remember that roommate who only had two sets of underwear..."

Vegeta let out a short puff of air in annoyance ,whilst resting his forehead against the palm of his hand. "He was a homeless guy you picked up from the street."

Nappa looked up at the ceiling from the corners of his eyes, his thumb and index finger resting under his chin as realisation started to hit him. "So that's why he never paid rent."

Vegeta blinked in astonishment at just how dense Nappa could be. "Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid, than open it and remove all doubt."

"Never took you for thesaurus person or it it rhetorical?" Nappa knitted his brows together whilst stroking his chin with his fingers, so deep in thought.

"And just when I thought you couldn't get any more stupid, there ya go opening your mouth again." Vegeta jumped from the sofa about to head to his room, he stepped backwards as Nappa stood in front of him.

"I'm not that stupid!" Nappa chided, crossing his arms.

"The pet turtle is all I'm saying." Vegeta calmly stepped round Nappa.

"Aw man, my friend got me good. I wondered why it never moved or ate anything. He was like it's cos they are nocturnal and if I kept staring at it, it would never eat or move." Nappa sighed rubbing the back of his neck, he looked back at Vegeta who face palmed.

"It was a fucking rock!"  He snapped and started to walk away again, mumbling some insults under his breath.

"Paid 300$ on that thing..." Nappa frowned scuffing his foot along the carpet at such memory. He caught Vegeta from corner of his eyes heading up the stairs. "hey Vegeta, where ya going?"

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