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Sat at his parents for a family meal, he tapped his fork against the plate whilst waiting for everyone else to finish. After such a monotonous day at work; he was looking forward to returning home. He wasn't aware of the fact he was staring half dazed into nothingness. Thoughts swirling around his mind mentally trying to piece together a mental image of what Devon may look like.

Gine smiled over at Goku placing a hand on top of his that woke him from his half dazed state. "Everything okay sweetie?" she giggled seeing him rubbing his eyelids with a gentle nod in response.

"He's too busy daydreaming about his crush." Radtiz smirked over at his brother.

"No. I'm just-" Goku leaned back with a small puff of annoyance from his lips. "I'm just half asleep is all."

"Should of seen him go on a pout when asking him about having a love interest." Radtiz nudged his father raising his brows, he grinned as he could feel the daggers from Goku's glare.

"Shut up." Goku hissed.

"Alright, that's enough. We are only taking an interest son." Bardock folded his arms as he had finished his meal. He chuckled watching Goku huff leaning his head against his arm that was now rested on the table.

Gine moved from her seat to start collecting everyone's now empty plates."How's your girlfriend?" she directed at Raditz in attempt to show some interest.

"Yeah, same old. She's out with her friends otherwise she'd of joined us." he shrugged.

Gine glanced over at Goku whilst her husband and eldest were in a deep conversation, she nodded her head to the side as a hint for him to follow her into the kitchen. Goku helped pick up the remaining dishes from the table and followed her in, he started to help clean the dishes lost in thought about Devon again.

"Is it normal to have feelings for someone you never met?" he asked whilst drying a plate.

"Oh, is it someone you met online?" she raised her brow as she continued to wash the dishes.

"What?..oh no...just uh...Chichi you know...she's been talking to someone on the phone and she's never met them."

Gine furrowed her brows "Well, I'd be weary if I was her, for starters, they may not be who they say they are."

"But, I it normal? To feel things that excitement feeling, stomach fluttering kind of feeling."

"Sounds to me this person must have a real impact on her, so cute. It sounds like falling in love with someone for who they are deep within."She dried her hands on a tea towel, and grabbed the plate that Goku just dried. "Still, something to be careful especially if she hasn't seen their face."

"Huh." he stood tight lipped watching his mother putting the dishes away. Was he really falling for Devon? he noticed his mother looking at him inquisitively. He quickly shook off his feelings and smiled at her. "Well, I best start going. Thanks mum." he kissed his mothers cheek, and exchanged his goodbyes with his father and brother. He fought back his smile of excitement as he rushed out his parents home, ready to hear Devon's voice again.

Gine stood at door frame of the dinning room, she smiled over at Bardock as he and Raditz both raised a brow at just how quickly Goku left. "He's got a crush alright, he thinks we are stupid."

Bardock rolled his eyes and leaned back on his chair."He said Chichi has a crush didn't he?"

"Oh yes, so predictable." She grinned shaking her head, it was same old excuse he'd use whenever he had questions about a crush. "I think we should leave him the now and not ask anything further. He hasn't seen this person, only spoken to them."

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