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Goku huffed to himself whilst parking the car outside the house, his brother managed to coax him into going to a friends party. Since Raditz girlfriend was out, she refused to give him a lift and he seen his younger brother as his only other way as transport. He managed to bribe Goku by promising he wouldn't tease him about having a crush and that he could bring a couple of his friends too. Goku spent the car journey in silence he wasn't one for parties, he huffed again causing his brother to look at him. They all climbed out the car, and glanced over at the house, flashing lights were seen from the downstairs windows, and music blasted out into the neighbourhood.

"Can't believe I let you talk me into this." Goku pouted whilst tucking his car keys in his pocket.

"Hey, it'll do you some good bro. Get out and socialise more." Raditz smiled nudging Goku in the arm.

"Thanks." Krillin frowned as Raditz and Goku walked on ahead.

Raditz looked over his shoulder at Tien and Krillin who were shuffling their feet behind."Oh you guys too...I'm trying to help my brother out to actually meet someone."

"Your brother is right here." Goku scoffed shoving Raditz, Raditz laughed it off which wound Goku up further. They approached the door, Goku and his friends stood reluctantly.

"Alright guys, lets go." Raditz knocked the door, and it started to open allowing them to step inside.

"You sure it'll be okay of us all just showing up to this persons house? This person who has never met us?" Goku raised a brow, he glanced in seeing the house full of lively people which left him a little unsettled.

"Yeah, trust me. It's fine. " Raditz smiled at his brother reassuringly, he spun round seeing Nappa.

"Hey Raditz! And um other Raditz and friends?" Nappa looked at the three stood behind Raditz who were a little hesitant about joining the party.

Raditz stepped aside to introducing them."This is my brother Goku, and his friends-"

"Yeah, don't care I'll forget anyways just come in." Nappa smiled walking them into the lounge area, he then glanced over seeing Bulma head into the kitchen. He quickly rushed off leaving the four men stood in the middle of the party, looking around there were the odd couples making out in corners of the room, and even a homeless guy taking a nap on the floor. Goku knitted his brows studying the different types of people, it appeared anyone was just invited, some he had seen at the store he works in.

Raditz spotted some of his old school friends, he waved over at them grabbing their attention. "Have fun, catch up with you all later." Raditz smiled and ran off to join the small crowd who were stood by one of the speakers.

"Yeah, sure...I can't even have any alcohol, but no you guys have fun." Goku huffed, he looked around and noticed Krillin and Tien heading towards two women who were coaxing them to follow. "guys?"

"Thanks man you're the best, we'll meet up here later yeah?" Krillin smiled waving at Goku before adverting his attention back at the women.

Goku sulked sitting on the sofa alone, he raised a brow studying the homeless guy who seemed not phased of the fact people were tripping over him.

Bulma opened the fridge to help herself to a drink, slowly she closed the fridge and Jumped seeing Nappa staring right at her.

"Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" he raised his brows smirking over at her.

Bulma rolled her eyes. "That's got to be the oldest and saddest chat up line ever!" she pushed herself out of the way, before she felt Nappa tug at her arm. She sighed and turned to look back at him.

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