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Stood outside the front door, taking in long drag from his cigarette, he leaned the palm of his foot against the wall behind him. Watching the puff of smoke swirling out in front of him, as he flicked the ash before wrapping his lips around the end of the cigarette to inhale more. The side of his mouth curled slightly as he watched Goku park his car outside. He ensured to wear tight clothing, knowing it enticed Goku. After speaking to Goku as Devon, Goku had told him everything especially how aroused he got seeing Vegeta wearing the tight jeans and top. The clothing hugged his figure, revealing his sculpted features. He felt smug that he could find out what Goku loved about him, without Goku realising that he knew. He inhaled from his cigarette before stubbing it out and exhaling the swirling smoke from his soft lips. Goku slowly approached him whilst gawking, exactly what Vegeta wanted. He grinned opening the front door coaxing Goku to follow him in, ensuring Goku had a good view from behind. They both headed up to his room, walking past Nappa who was fast asleep from watching Snow White, it seemed any child cartoons or films caused him to nod off to sleep. Vegeta pulled Goku into his room closing the door behind, he bit his lip watching Goku unzip his hoody and throwing it to the side; revealing his masculine body as he wore a tank top underneath.

"So." Vegeta held his hand out as Goku was about to approach him. "Did you get up to much since we last saw each other?" He quirked a brow observing Goku's facial reaction. Of course they weren't dating, however Vegeta did feel slight jealousy knowing about Launch.

"Um, just sorting out stuff for my parents anniversary, and working really..." he laughed nervously scratching the side of his head.

"I see." Vegeta said through his teeth with a forced smile. He pushed Goku back as he was about to approach him again.

"I thought...that you wanted to know?"

"Then start stripping Kakarot..." Vegeta gulped, he looked direct at Goku, who stood slack jawed.

"What did you just call me?" He furrowed his brows.

Vegeta smiled and stretched as he quickly thought of a response. "Sorry, it's what I heard Nappa say as he's friends with your brother; I assumed that was your real name or something?"

Goku gulped as Vegeta mentioned his brother, guilt still swirling through his mind. "Oh." Was all he could respond with.

"Everything okay?" he rested his hand on Goku's shoulder.

Goku let out a short exasperated sigh and sat down on the bed. "I slept with my brothers girlfriend, and he's going to kill me if he finds out."

Vegeta grinned he could tell by Goku's slight grimace look, that he was feeling regret. He straddled himself on Goku's lap, planting kisses down Goku's neck. "Was she -" he lightly sucked on Goku's nape. "Good?" He continued whilst planting rougher kisses down Goku's neck.

Goku tilted his head to the side, allowing more access for Vegeta to attack with more rough kisses. "She was insane...and not in the good way."He bit his lip feeling Vegeta brush his teeth against the sensitive area of his neck.

"Then why sleep with her?" He asked as his fingers gripped the bottom of Goku's vest, slowly rolling it up and kissing down the exposed areas he could reach.

Goku leaned back with the palm of his hands rested firmly on the mattress. He had already told Devon about the ordeal, he was nervous telling Vegeta; he certainly wasn't expecting this reaction. "She Uh...she came onto me...and I kinda didn't stop as I...I visioned you." He blushed as he confessed.

Vegeta snapped his head up looking back at Goku. "Well that's absurd, for-"   He trailed his tongue over Goku's abs. "I'm better." He smirked, his fingers roaming over the exposed area.

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