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Leaning against the windowsill in his bedroom, studying the gloomy weather outside, the dark brooding clouds resisted the sun as it threatened to awaken a storm. He sighed as he took a long drag from his cigarette. The weather seemed very fickle than usual, when he had awoken earlier the weather looked so promising and warm; to dark and miserable as he had gotten out of bed an hour later for a smoke. He heard small groan from his bed, he grinned looking over at Goku laying in starfish position taking a long rejuvenating stretch.

"Morning handsome." He winked over at Goku watching his cheeks flush red. He felt smug knowing Goku couldn't resist gawking at him, even if he was just wearing baggy sweat pants.

"What time is it?" He asked as he slowly sat up rubbing his eyelids.

"Time you got up."

Goku glanced at the digital clock from the bedside table illuminating the time 10:49am "Shit, is that the time?"

"No, it's just the date of the month."  He quirked a brow watching Goku climb out of bed revealing his fully exposed body. Inhaling smoke from his cigarette he watched intently as Goku bent over to pick up his clothes. Watching Goku slowly dressing his bottom half, Vegeta felt smug remembering  the fact Goku had slept with Raditz's girlfriend, he couldn't blame her; he found his new boyfriend irresistible especially his package.

Goku glanced over his shoulder with a smile. "Were you watching me get dressed?"

"Mm, Just admiring that hot body of yours." A puff of smoke swirled past his mischievous grin. "Can't blame that chick for going on her knees when she saw you." He winked whilst taking a drag from his cigarette.

Goku gulped, he was due to visit his parents later for a meal. And he was dreading seeing his brother. "Don't remind me." He frowned whilst putting his shoes on.

"feel free to help yourself for something to eat in the kitchen. I'll be down shortly once I've finished this smoke and got dressed myself."

Goku smiled over at Vegeta, the dull natural light captivated Vegeta's appearance. "Want me to make you anything?"

"I'm good. I had something earlier."

"Wait, you didn't wake me up?"

"Tch, no.I enjoyed the extra hour cuddling into the fine naked body of yours." He flicked the ash out the window.

Goku blushed and turned to head away. "I'll see you downstairs." He called out as he walked into the hallway.

Goku couldn't help but grin like a school child, for he had someone so hot for a boyfriend, counting his blessings as he approached the kitchen. He pushed thoughts of Devon back of his mind, as he stepped foot into the kitchen he was startled seeing Nappa just lurking in the door way.

"The eggs are in the fridge." Nappa smiled whilst pointing at the fridge.

"Okay." Goku gave Nappa a perplexed look as he walked towards the fridge.

"Are you gonna make something with eggs?"

"Well I guess I am since you told me where the eggs are?" He opened the fridge looking back at Nappa who kept grinning over at him. The downside of dating Vegeta, is having to deal with Nappa.

"I like scrambled egg."

Goku let out a long sigh, he could tell what Nappa was hinting. "Can't you make it yourself?"


"Why not?" He raised a brow.

"Vegeta banned me from using the stove." Nappa rubbed the back of his neck.

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