When I Met Him

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Betty's POV

I had finally arrived at the small, peaceful town of Riverdale. The town looked quite old but it had a charm to it. As we drove around, we passed a huge building with a sign at the front that said 'Riverdale High'. That must be my new school, I thought. We also passed a small diner with a bright neon sign that read "Pop's Chock' Lit shoppe" on it. I'll have to try that later. I'm not going to lie I'm not too happy about moving here but I didn't have any friends back in New York so maybe I could make some here but if no one liked me in New York I doubt anyone here would like me. If I'm lucky enough people won't notice me and I can just get through the rest of high school without any trouble but that's very unlikely.

My older sister Polly, however, is devastated about moving here. She was very popular at our school and had a lot of friends unlike me. Even though she was popular she was still kind and caring and was there for me when I needed her. She was the only friend I had in New York.

My parents are thrilled about moving to Riverdale because they say its where they both grew up together and fell in love. We are even moving into my mom's childhood home.

When I entered the house, I began to look around. It's gorgeous. I looked around the living room and kitchen before I headed upstairs to decide which room I wanted to stay in. I opened one of the doors upstairs and walked in to see if I would like it. The room had bright yellow wallpaper, a vanity and a bed. I could immediately tell that this was my mom's old room. It was a bit too perfect and girly for me but I still liked it so I went back downstairs to get my bags and start unpacking

-----------------------------------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------------------------------

I finished unpacking all my stuff and my mom has sent me to the diner Pop's that we passed earlier to pick up our dinner. The diner wasn't that far from my house, so I just decided to walk there. The diner was small but cosy. It had bright neon lights outside and a bell signalling for anyone coming in or out. As soon as I stepped in, I could tell this would be my safe place.

I saw an old man standing behind the counter serving a red-headed kid about my age a strawberry milkshake. 'That must be the owner' I thought as I began walking up to the counter. I got to the counter and the old guy turned to me and smiled. "Hi, what can I do for you?" he asked

"I'm here to pick up an order for Cooper," I replied

"Yeah, that will be ready in about five minutes," he said before walking into the back leaving me to stand there awkwardly waiting for him to come back.

"Archie" I heard out of nowhere. I turned to the red-headed boy who was now looking at me,

"What?" I asked confused by what he said.

"My name, I'm Archie," he explained and smiled at me.

"Oh, hi Archie. I'm Betty" I said smiling back at him

Archie had a huge smile, deep hazel eyes and fiery red hair. He probably plays football as well because he has what I assume is a Riverdale high letterman jacket. He was definitely good looking but definitely not my type. Not that I was interested in boys that much. I mean what boy would go for me anyway, I'm sure there are way better girls out there than me.

"Are you new here?" he asks. I'm not too interested in talking to him but he was being really nice so I just smiled at him and answered. besides his could be a chance to maybe make a friend here.

"Yeah, I just moved here from New York. Do you go to Riverdale high?"

"Yeah, I do. You can sit with me and my friends at lunch if you want. Unless you already have friends to sit with".

"Yeah, I'd love to thank you, Archie". I'm actually starting to really like it here. Maybe this place isn't so bad after all.

"Here you go," the man said walking back out of the kitchen in the back and handing me the white bag of food.

"Thanks," I said and turned to Archie. "See you later Arch"

"See ya" he replied as I headed towards the door.

As I was walking home I was thinking about everything that had just happened, I'm really happy that I have already made a friend here. And he is going to introduce me to his other friends at school tomorrow. I really like it here and for the first time in forever, I'm actually looking forward to school on Monday.

-----------------------------------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------------------------------

It was Monday morning now. The first day of school and for once I was actually excited. I found out that Archie was my next-door neighbour so I'm going to walk to school with him and then he's going to introduce me to his friends.

I met Archie outside my house and we started walking to school. We were talking about all the classes we had together and he told me what some of the people at school are like. He told me to stay away from everyone on the football team which was a bit weird because I'm pretty sure he is on the team. I noticed that Archie also loves to talk about himself a lot. He kept talking about his music and football which was ok because it meant I get to know him a bit better but it got quite boring after a while.

We eventually made it to school and we walked through the hallway until we stopped in front of a group of three people. The first one to speak was a brown-haired boy with bright green eyes.

"Hey Archie, who's the lady you're with?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows but Archie just rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Guys this is new neighbour Betty. Betty this is Kevin" he said pointing to the brown-haired boy who just spoke. "And this is Jughead and Veronica"

I looked at jughead who was smiling at me so I smiled back and started blushing, he was wearing a crown shaped beanie that covered most of his dark raven hair except for one strand that fell in front of his deep ocean blue eyes. He was incredibly handsome.

I quickly realised that I probably look like a creep staring at him but I couldn't help it we just kept staring and smiling at each other. Then, the raven-haired girl Veronica quickly looked between me and Jughead before braking the silence.

"So, Betty how is Riverdale for you so far? Any hot guys caught your eyes?" she asks with excitement in her eyes a she waits for an answer.

"uh I don't know I mean I only just moved here so" I answered trying to avoid eye contact.

Before I could say anything else the bell rang. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had English first. Great, that is my favourite class. I started walking to my first class when someone called my name. I looked behind me and saw who it was that had called my name. It was Jughead.

"Hey Jughead, what do you need?"

"Oh, uh I was just wondering if you'd let me walk you to class. You have English, right?"

"Oh, yeah of course that would be great Jug thanks."

As we were walking to class we talked about our hobbies, favourite books and movies and what classes we had. Turns out me and him have a lot in common. We both like the same type of movie and books and we both love writing. Apparently Jughead works on the school newspaper – the blue and gold – by himself so he told me I could join. we also have a lot of classes together including English which is both of our favourites.

We were the first people to enter the classroom so we sat together in the third row and continued to talk until the lesson started. I think I'm really starting to like this place.  

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