Mental Health

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Hey, guys so today I just wanted to talk about something for a little bit.

Mental health.

I know mental health is incredibly important, especially for teens and young adults so I wanted to talk about it with you.

Now usually when someone says mental health its thought to be a really negative thing, but actually it can be both. If you feel happy, safe and you feel good, you have good mental health. But if you feel anxious, depressed and sad, you have bad mental health...and that's what I wanted to talk about.

If you've read my stories it probably won't come as a surprise for you that I don't have good mental health. In fact, I don't think its ever been so bad.

But I'm not here to talk about my problems...

And, I'm not here to tell you that everything is going to be ok, and you'll be fine because anyone who has bad mental health has probably heard that before and knows people only say that to make you feel better, but what I am saying is that you don't have to be alone.

If any of you ever feel overwhelmed or stressed or anything like that you can talk to me either on Private messages here or on Instagram (rebekahm_6) and I would be more than happy to help you and talk to you.

You don't have to tell me about anything you don't want to if you just want a friend to talk to take your mind off things, I am more than happy to do that too.

So if anyone needs anyone to talk to I will always be here ❤

thank you!

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