Love, Betty

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Betty's POV

This is bad. Really bad.

For the longest time, I've had a crush on a boy at my school. His name is Jughead, I know weird name but he is so amazing. He isn't like all the other boys at school who don't care. He is the sweetest person ever! And he works at the Blue and Gold, the school's newspaper with me. That's how we met. So, we're good friends. Unfortunately, that's all we'll ever be.

I had such a big crush on him that I wrote a love letter expressing all my love to him. I didn't send it, obviously. I don't know what I would have done if that letter got out but guess what I just found out? IT DID!

Somehow the letter got out and now he has it and he read it! Ok, let me tell you how it all went down.

I had just arrived at school with my best friend Veronica and we were walking to the student lounge to sit until we had to go to our first class. We entered and sat down with our other best friends Kevin and Archie. I saw Jughead walk in looking for someone. Then he looked at me and let out a sigh of relief. Was he looking at me? Yes, he was. But why? Well, I was about to find out.

He walked over to me and smiled. He quickly looked around us at everyone else in the room before looking back at me.

"Hey Betts, can we uh, talk later at the Blue and Gold?" he looked nervous. Why was he nervous? I wondered.

"Uh, yeah of course. I'll meet you at lunch?"

"yeah, ill see you later then"

"Yeah, see ya" I replied as he walked away.

----------------------Time Skip----------------------

It was lunch and I was heading for the Blue and Gold to meet Jug wondering what he wanted to talk about. I opened the door and saw Jug sitting at the table typing something. Then I noticed something beside his laptop. The letter. Oh no, I thought, how did he get that! I started to panic but before I could do anything, he turned his head to face me and smiled a little bit.

"Hey Bett, um, so I got something in my mail this morning," he said as he picked up the letter and showed it to me." Do you know anything about this?"

"Um, I'm really sorry Juggie but I have to go I'll see you later." I quickly walked out of the room ignoring Jughead's call for me to come back. I had to go home. I was too embarrassed to face anybody right now.

And that brings us to now. I'm in my house right now trying to calm myself down and figure out how I'm going to talk to Jughead after everything that has just happened. I just decided to shower and then go to sleep and hopefully will have calmed down after that.

I had been sleeping for a while when I was woken up by a loud sound. My phone. I checked hoping it wasn't who I think it is. Luckily it was just Veronica.

(This is betty, this is Veronica)

Hey Veronica

Betty Oh my god you gave me a heart attack where were you at school?

Oh, uh I wasn't feeling well so I just decided to go home.

Ok.... well, do you want me to come over and look after you?

No, no, it's fine really, I'm just gonna get some sleep.

Ok call me if you need anything

I will, bye


I decided to just get up now that I was awake and get some homework done but I suddenly heard the doorbell ring. I hope that's not Veronica because I really don't want to explain to her why I lied on the phone about being sick. I lazily stepped down the stairs and opened the door but froze when I saw who it was. Jughead, with the letter still in his hand.

I was trying to think of something to say, anything but my mind was blank. After what felt like hours he finally spoke up.

"The letter. Is it true? Is everything in the letter true?"

I didn't know what to do but I couldn't lie now. So, unable to speak I just nodded my head yes.

I looked down. I couldn't look at him. But then before I was even able to comprehend what was happening...his lips were on mine.

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