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First of all, I'm sorry for not uploading. My life is literal hell right now more than ever so I can't give you an exact time for when I'm going to upload but I swear I am trying to get it up as soon as I can. Again I'm so sorry.

But today I wanted to give a shout out to some special people who have been just the most supportive people ever. So thank you to these people...


You have been amazing. I still remember the entire conversation I had with you and someone else (who I'll mention later) and I remember how funny and sweet you were. You have been reading book and I always love reading your comments so thank you. XXX


You were also part of that conversation and you were just the most incredible person to talk to. And we have been talking again recently and you've just been a complete shining star. Thank you so much for all your support. XXX


I have had such great chats with you. I really enjoyed talking all about our favourite books and I even started reading some of the books you told me about. And your comments are just amazing. XXX


You are the best. I always love reading your comments and laugh at them all the time. I actually wrote some of them down cause they were so funny. And this April fools I'm going to try the same thing you did, (putting mayonnaise in a toothpaste container) cause I thought it was a great idea. Thank you. XXX


Thank you so much, for all your suggestions, I love all your ideas! You have been great and I love looking at your comments they really do make my day. So thank you so much for everything. XXX


Thank you so much for reading my book! I remember when I had my old account and seeing that you were reading my work I freaked out cause I had all your books saved onto my library. So thank you so much. XXX


Oh my gosh, where to start. I think of that first conversation we had about our hair and I laugh each time. You are hilarious and thank you for tagging me in your book as well! Also, thank you for saving me that one time (haha, remember that?) So yeah, thank you so much. Your so great!XXX


Thank you so much for everything! Seriously, i really enjoyed our first conversation and you were just the kindest person ever!! So thank you so much for all your kindness and support. XXX


Oh my goodness, thank you so much! You are such a talented writer and I was so surprised to get a notification that you had tagged me in your book. Please, keep writing, you are so amazing at it. Thank you so much. XXX


And last but not least. Where will I even start. Me and you have come so far since we first started talking. It has been exactly 2 months since we started talking on the 9th of December and now if someone ever asked my who my best friends were I would definitely say your name. You've been there for all my rants about school and drama, my mental breakdowns, everything. And so I would like to say thank you, for these amazing two months. XXX

I love each and every one of you guys and everyone else who reads my work, I love you all so so so much.

None of this is possible without you!!

I will (hopefully) see you all soon with a new chapter (going as fast as I can)

I also wanted to say one more thing. Now, I posted about this on my message board but I wanted to say it again...

Lili Reinhart opened up about her struggles with her body image and the way she looks. And she got a lot of comments saying she is not allowed to feel insecure which I think is really horrible and I can't imaging how Lili must have felt after being brave enough to open up.

So on February 14th (valentine's Day) it would be amazing if yous could post on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, anywhere at all, and say what you love about yourself using #LOVEFORLILI.

If you guys did that it would be amazing.

My Instagram (just if you want to tag me or something 😉) is @bev_macd

Please, please, please make sure you post and show Lili some love. 

I love you all so much!!


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