Best Friends or Lovers (part two)

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A/N I promised you guys I would upload it today and I did. sorry, it took so long I had a busy day. I hope you enjoy...

Betty's POV

I opened the front door and smiled instantly seeing Jughead there in black jeans, a maroon sweater and of course, his iconic beanie.

"Hey, Betty you look so beautiful,"

I blushed and said a quick thanks before stepping outside closing the door behind me and walking with him down the steps.

He hopped on his motorcycle before handing me his helmet and helping me on. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight with my head buried into this back.

When we got to the Drive-In we parked and walked up to a truck that was already set up. It had a bunch of blankets and pillows with popcorn, candy, and drinks. I looked over at Jughead who was beside and he had a huge grin on his face. I let out a surprised laugh as he grabbed my hand leading me up to the truck and we both climbed inside and sat down as the movie was going to start soon.

"You did all this?" I asked still shocked that he did all of this for me.

"Of course. Only the best for you, Betty Cooper," he replied and winked at me. I instantly blushed but looked down not wanting him to see but he did and laughed before putting his arm around me and pulling me closer. I rested my head on his shoulder and the movie started playing.

Throughout the whole movie, we laughed and made jokes at some of the scenes. Jughead tried to do an impression of James Dean – who played the character Jim Stark – when he said 'You're tearing me apart!' which caused both of us to burst out laughing. We got a few stares from some older people but we didn't care, we were having too much fun. The rest of the movie was great as well and I was a little disappointed when it came to an end.

We put all the pillows and blankets away, still talking and laughing about the movie. No matter how many times I watched it, it was still one of the best movies ever!

"So, do you want me to walk you home?"

"Are we not taking your bike?"

"No, I think it's a perfect night for a stroll, don't you?" he spoke in a posh accent which made me laugh again for the hundredth time tonight.

We were walking and laughing, telling jokes and stories and remembering what we were like when we were young.

"What about that time Archie got rejected by Josie when we were all like 10 years old? That was funny!" I said, remembering the crying redhead with a flower in his hand, completely fallen over because of his sweaty palms.

"haha!" Jughead laughed. "Yeah, I remember that! He was so upset he thought his life was over! And we had to buy him ice cream and stay with him watching movies until he felt better,"

"And then the next day he told us he had a crush on Valerie!" I exclaimed as I continued to laugh.

"Honestly that guy moves on faster than the speed of light,"

"Yeah. He does. You never talked about that stuff though, having crushes and all that. Was there anyone you liked when we were younger?" I asked curiously.

"Um...I don't really remember, it was another time," he replied. He sounded a bit nervous all of a sudden. Is he trying to hide something?

"Well...what about now?"

"Um, I don't know?"

"Oh my god! you do like someone! Who? Please tell me!" could it be me that he likes? I mean, he was the one who invited me to the Drive-In. could he actually like me back?

"No...I, I don't"

"Come on please tell me. Please!" I begged.

Why wasn't he telling me? Maybe it is me? What if I tell him I like him first? Then would he tell me?

"Fine! I'll tell you," he said and stopped walking and turned to face me.

"wait, really!?"

"It's you," he said.

I was shocked. I mean yes I thought maybe he did like me but now I know he does and it changes everything.

"Me? You like me?"

"Are you kidding me betty," He said in a laughing tone, looking deep into my eyes. "I've literally been in love with you since third grade!"

He stopped, suddenly realizing what he had just said. It's like we were both frozen, just staring into each other's eyes not saying anything.

He likes me. Jughead Jones likes me. I have to do something about this. I looked away from his eyes and down to his lips. I cupped his face and leaned in smashing our lip together.

Our lips collided, moving in sync with each other, neither of us wanting to let go. He pulled me closer wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck, deepening the kiss.

We both pulled away, our faces still only centimeters apart as we tried to catch our breath, both of us smiling like idiots.

"I love you too, Jughead Jones," I said looking at him, pure love in both of our eyes. He smiled and pulled me into another kiss.

We walked the rest of the way home holding hands, talking bout whatever crossed our minds. And before we knew it we had arrived at my front door.

"Thank you Juggie, for tonight,"

We were face to face, my back facing my door and Jughead and I holding hands.

"Of course, anytime." He said with a smirk plastered on his face. "and I was thinking, if you don't absolutely hate me by now, maybe you would like to be my girlfriend?"

I was ecstatic. Finally. I wrapped my arms around him and locked my lips on his in a passionate kiss.

As soon as I pulled back, I said "Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend!"

I leaned in to kiss him again but my phone went off. I let out a sigh before reaching into my pocket to get it.

"It's my mom, she's wondering where I am, I should probably go in,"

"Yeah, ok, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course,"

And with one last kiss, I walked up the steps and reached for the handle but before I could open the door, I heard my name. I looked behind me to see Jughead now standing a lot further away from me now on the pavement.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I love you,"

I smiled faintly looking at the person just a few feet away from me.

"I love you too," I said and with that, I walked into my house after one of the best nights of my life.

A/N so, hope you guys enjoyed that chapter. it took me a while to complete (cause I got distracted watching Final Destination 5, great movie by the way).

I also wanted to give a shout out to @unknownbird101for mentioning me in their storyboard. Thank you so much!!!

as always guys make sure you vote and comment. suggestions are always helpful.

today's question is...   (it's a weird one)

I know in the past when people die an artifact is buried with them so they could use it in the afterlife. what would you bury with you so you could use?

that's all, love you guys


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