Afterlife Crush?

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Betty's POV

I can't really recall what happened that night. All I remember is hearing the beeping of the machine next to me and all my friends and family talking to each other. They all sounded worried and stressed. Then the long beep. And that was it. The darkness had taken me. I was dead.

I suddenly woke up in a white room. Where the hell am I, I thought. I got up off the floor and looked around. Nothing. Just a huge white empty space. I didn't know what to do so I started walking. I didn't know where I was going but I wasn't just going to stand there waiting for something to happen. As I was walking, I noticed something in the distance but I didn't know what. I was too far away to tell. Curious, I started walking towards it and as I got closer I noticed I was a person. Maybe they know where I am, I wondered. I finally got close enough to see what they looked like. It was a woman with long, straight brown hair wearing a white suit and heels. She turned her head to face me and gave me a small smile.

"Ah, you must be Betty, am I right?" the woman asked as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand and replied, "Yes, I am, could you please tell me where we are exactly?"

"The afterlife of course. Don't you remember? A car hit you and you died later in the hospital"

Then I remembered. Everything that happened. I was with my best friends Jughead, Archie and Veronica. We had just had lunch at Pop's and were walking home when a car came speeding down the road and was about to hit Veronica. So, I pushed her out of the way but before I could move out of the way the car hit me.

"I'm in the afterlife?"

"Yes, now if you'll please follow me into my office," she said and gestured to a huge wooden oak door next to where we were standing. How had I not noticed that before? She walked over and opened the door for me to walk through.

I walked through the door and sat in a chair in front of a wooden desk. The woman sat behind the desk and faced me with her elbows on the table and her fingers intertwined.

"How are you feeling? You must be surprised after everything that has happened."

"I'm ok, I guess. So, am I in like, heaven or....?"

"No, not yet anyway, this is the in-between. In this place, you can ask any questions about yourself and your life before you go to heaven or in some other cases hell. We also have your file if you would like to look at that?"

"Um, yeah sure, thanks," I said as she handed me a big file with all my information. The first part was just things like my name, when I was born, when and how I died and other stuff like that. I looked through my file until something caught my eye. There was a page that said CRUSHES.

"Um, what's this," I asked pointing to the page.

"that is a list of all the people that have had a crush on you, lots of people like to know about that sort of thing so we keep records of it so people can look at it. It also tells you who your soulmate is. And when your soulmate dies you are reunited in heaven" she replied

Interesting. I was quite curious to see who had a crush on me and who my soulmate was. I remember all my crushes. Though I only really had three. My first crush was my best friend Archie. I thought I liked him for so many years when he was younger but eventually realized I actually never really liked him, I only liked the idea of the perfect girl next door (me) and the resident golden boy being together. So that was that. My second crush was someone I met at a camp when I was 12. His name was James and he was nice but it was only a small crush I had for a few weeks as I was also still crushing on Archie at the time.

My last one was my other best friend Jughead Jones. He was the funniest person I had ever met. He always found a way to make me laugh and feel better when I was down. He was also really sweet and once for my birthday he set up a whole treasure hunt for me to solve since he knows I love mysteries. And in the end, there was a huge picnic set up with all my favorite foods. He was my shoulder to cry on when I was getting bullied at school and he even stood up to them and ended up giving one of them a black eye. They never bothered me again after that. I loved him so much. I still do. What if he was my soulmate?

Anyway, I looked down the list of all the people that had crushes on me. Surprisingly there were quite a few.


Moose Mason: Had crush at:14-15 years old. Reason: thought you liked him.

Reggie Mantle: Had crush at: 15-16 years old. Reason: hottest cheerleader.

Archie Andrews: Had crush at: 10-13 years old. Reason: been best friends forever.

Nick St Claire: Had crush at: 13 years old. Reason: thought you were cute.

Some of the people there really surprised me. But apart from Archie I never really liked any of them so none of this information really mattered. That is until I saw the last one.

Jughead Jones: Had crush at: 10+. Reason: loves you and thinks you deserve the world.

Oh my god. Jughead Jones loves me? He's loved me since we were 10! How did I not know this?!? Oh my god he loves me. HE LOVES ME!! But.... it's too late. I'll never be able to tell him that I love him to. I won't ever be able to hug him or kiss him or hold his hand. Life is a bitch.

The last thing I checked in my file was my soulmate. I want to know who I'm gonna spend the rest of my afterlife with. I turned over the page to see who it is and I was shocked...

Soulmate: Jughead Jones

Jughead Jones is my soulmate. Just as that thought hit me there was a knock on the door. And there he stood the love of my life, still sporting his amazing smile. We locked eyes and just stared at each other. My life may have just ended. But it feels like I'm about to start a new one. And I can't wait to see what happens.

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