What's so funny?

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A/N this one's a bit shorter but hope you all enjoy...

Jughead's POV

I was pulled into the boy's locker room by Archie. He quickly slammed the door locked it and pushed me up against the wall and attacked my lips with his. His lips felt rough but soft at the same time and I kissed him back, running my hands through his hair. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I moaned whilst tugging at his hair even more. and then-

I suddenly woke and sat up, sweating and hot. 'that was weird' I thought. I just had an almost sex dream about me and my best friend. But why? I mean, I'm glad it was Archie and not Veronica but, that was strange.

I looked next to and looked at the angel sleeping beside me and smiled. Should I tell her? I mean it was just a dream, but this is definitely going to make it awkward when Betty and I go see Veronica and Archie at Pop's.

My breathing is still heavy and I'm still sweating a lot. but then I just start laughing. Not too loud, I don't want to wake up Betty, but to be honest it's funny. I mean weird I just had a dream about my best friend but funny weird.

I couldn't keep the laughter in and soon I was almost choking on my own laughter. Betty stirred and woke up slowly rubbing her eyes in confusion.

"Jug, what the hell, what are you doing?" she asked and sat up.

I tried to calm myself down so I could explain to her but every time I did the laughter started again. Betty looked confused but also started to laugh with me, until we both ran out of breath and could barely breathe. I'm really surprised no one an hear us, we're being quite loud.

"Juggie what were you laughing about? What's so funny?" she asked, still trying to catch her breathe.

"um, I just had a really weird dream, that's all," I said choking on my laughter just a little bit.

"Come on! Tell me, I deserve an explanation after you disturbed my sleep," she said pointing her finger at me and trying to contain a serious face but failing when she started smiling again.

"You really want to know?"

"Yes! Now tell me!"

"Um, so I had this dream where me and Archie were like, together, I think, and um, we were like kissing and everything and uh, yeah"

Betty stayed silent for a while just staring at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. I began to get worried. Was she upset about the dream I had?

She suddenly burst out laughing. I was shocked for a second before I started laughing along with her.

"What?! you had sex dream about Archie!" she shouted way too loud. I really hope no one woke up and heard that.

"Betty, not so loud," I exclaimed, still laughing.

"Sorry, I just. I can't believe you had a sex dream about your best friend. Thank god it wasn't Veronica" she said trying, for the second time, to catch her breathe.

"Yeah" I agreed

We eventually managed to calm down and fall asleep but we woke up only a few hours later. It was Saturday though and we were going to Pop's to meet Archie and Veronica. Great.

We were all sitting at a booth talking about anything really when Betty looked at me with a sneaky smile on her face. crap. She turned to the other two with that smile still on her face and I could tell what she was about to do.

"So, Archie, you wanna know something funny?" she asked

"Uh, sure, what?"

"well, you see- "

"Here you kids go" Pop said handing us our food. Thank you, Pop!

Betty tried to tell him again but I managed to beat her and asked him about something else instead. This continued the whole time we were there, I had to make sure they kept talking so Betty couldn't tell them.

Eventually we said goodbye and headed home.

"Betty, what the hell, why would you try and tell him?"

"Cause it's funny,"

"You are so lucky I love you Elizabeth,"

"Really? Show me, Forsythe," she said before running upstairs to our room.

A/N thank you to afonya_felho  for suggesting this oneshot, it was really fun to write and we never got a Jarchie kiss on the show so there you go. 

I will probably be posting another chapter really soon, it won't be an actul chapter just something I wanted to talk about but I wanted to give you guys an actual chapter first, so yeah. I just wanted to say something about the last thing I uploaded.

anyway that's all, hope you all enjoyed

love you all 


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