Thank you Kevin

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A/N I am so sorry in advance for what you're about to read. This is a diary entry by the way. hope you enjoy...

Betty's POV

Dear Diary,

Today has been probably, the craziest day I've ever had. I never meant for any of this to happen but in the end, it was all worth it and I would never change a single thing.

The morning was pretty normal to begin but it all changed once I stepped foot in school. Literally! The second I walked into that school I was tackled by Kevin who quickly covered my mouth so I couldn't scream and then dragged me to an empty classroom. He locked the door and then grabbed my shoulders shaking me and telling me I need to watch out for something. What was I watching out for you might ask? Well, my best friend Veronica is in love with Archie but he's in love with me but I'm in love with my other best friend Jughead (well, I wouldn't say 'in love' but I definitely like him, a lot).

The problem is, I don't know if Jughead feels the same way or not. And today was the prime time to ask someone to be your date to prom, which means Archie is trying to find me so he can ask me. I don't want to go with him but he is one of my best friends and I would feel really bad if I said no. but if I say yes Jughead might think I like Archie and then I would have ruined any chance of Jughead lov- I mean, liking me back.

That was the first piece of big news I heard from Kevin that day.

I spent all day avoiding Archie, I don't have him in many of my classes which is good and I had lunch in the blue and gold room, but guess who was there? No, not Archie...JUGHEAD!

We talked a lot (like always) but then he told me something interesting. He said...

"So, Archie tells me you and he are going to prom together?"

I was fuming! I mean, seriously Archie?! I mean, how dare he! Don't go around telling people I'm going to prom with you when I've actually been avoiding you ALL DAY just so I don't have to!

"What?! I-I we're not going together,"

"Oh, so who are you with then?"

"Uh, well, so far no one has asked me so..."

"Oh, well, maybe, I mean, if you want to, we could go together? since neither of us has dates yet?"

YES!!! Omg, this is great. I am going to prom with Jughead!

"Yeah, I'd like that. Thank you Juggie,"

I gave him a lingering hug before I pulled away and we continued to talk.

After lunch, Kevin and I were walking to our next class and I told him about how Jughead asked me to be his date to the prom.

"OMG what?! Finally, bughead is rising! I have been waiting for this to happen forever! I ship you guys so hard!"

So yeah, that was probably the most normal part of my day just Kevin being Kevin. We continued walking until we had to split up to go to our different classes.

Once my class finished, I walked out and Kevin tackled me and dragged me into n empty classroom, for the second time today!

Once he locked the door, he took a deep breath and walked towards me calmly and said...

"Betty, what I'm about to tell you is going to change both of our lives forever, so I need you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say,"

Kevin honestly terrifies me sometimes. His calmness makes me nervous. Luckily that was short-lived as he suddenly began freaking out and speaking really loudly, but not quite shouting...

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