What if?

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A/N enjoy...

No one's POV

"Come on, just do it! What's the worst that could happen?"

"No dude, I'm telling you, I'm not doing it,"

Archie sighed in defeat, not able to convince his best friend. He shrugged and finished off his milkshake with a big slurping sound before looking back at his friend sitting across the booth.

"Fine, but what if she said yes?" he slid across the seat and stood up placing $10 on the table with another sigh. "See you tomorrow Jug," and with that, he made his way out the diner.

"Bye," Jughead sighed quietly as he heard the bell ring meaning Archie's gone.

He sat there thinking about what his best friend had said. What if she said yes? what if this happened, what if that happened, that's all he thought. And he hated himself for it.

When his mom took his sister and left, he always thought, what if they come back? What if he sees them again? It was questions like that, that gave him hope. Hope that one day he would wake up and there they would be. Sitting at the small table in their kitchen, as if they never left. It was questions like that, that let him down. he hated those questions. They're just an invitation to disappointment. he never asked those questions. Asking those questions is what makes people do stupid things. It gives you a false reason to do something stupid.

But he couldn't help himself. He thought about her golden hair, always in a ponytail, the way the light shines on it makes her look like an angel. Her eyes, how the bright green swirled into a darker shade around the edges and the way they sparkled when she was excited. Her smile, always warm and bright, never fake. The type of smile that could instantly make your day 100x better. and he thought, what if? What if that amazing person who deserves the world and more, said yes? sounds ridiculous when you put it like that but, what if?

He shook his head and stood up, walking out of the lit-up diner into the night. The cold air hit him as soon as he stepped out sending shivers down his back. Should've brought the bike, he thought. He walked all the way home still trying not to think about her but to no avail. She was taking over his mind and thoughts.

He finally reached the trailer park, walking up the stairs and stepping inside. His dad made a promise that he would fix up his act, stop drinking, clean the trailer and he did try, which is an improvement from the last 100 times he made that promise, and the trailer was looking cleaner but there were still always a couple beer bottles lying around. Jughead closed the door and moved to the coffee table in the middle of the living room, picking up the two empty bottles and putting them away. His dad wasn't on the couch so he assumed that he was either drunk on the edge of town somewhere or he was working at the bar.

He walked into his room and laid down on the bed falling asleep almost instantly, his mind still thinking of the blonde beauty.

Jughead woke up at the sound of his alarm. He sat up tiredly and rubbed his face. he silenced his alarm and got up walking into the kitchen to find something he could eat. He walked into the kitchen and looked through all the cupboards before deciding on a box of cereal that's probably out of date. I'll need to get some more food later, he thought.

He was sat at the table when the door flew open and his dad stumbled inside almost tripping over his own feet.

"Jughead. When did you get here?" he slurred

"Last night," he replied, wanting to get out of this conversation as soon as possible. He stood up walked away into the room not wanting to deal with his dad right now. He hadn't realized that he'd slept in his clothes until now. He changed quickly and slipped out the door without his dad noticing and started walking to school. He had to go to the Blue and Gold after school to meet Betty. And again, the question popped in his head. What if?

He ignored it the best he could and continued his way. He met Betty, Archie, and Veronica in the student lounge before his first class started. Archie was going on about some new song he was writing whilst Veronica and betty were just trying to look interested.

"Hey Jug," Betty said when she noticed him sit down on the other couch.

Just looking at her made him freeze. She is so beautiful, he thought. "Uh, hey Betts".

She smiled at him and he couldn't help but smile back. She went back to listening to Archie and Jughead tried to listen too but once again the question entered his mind. What if? He decided to ignore it though, he didn't need any more disappointment right now. He was a little upset seeing his father come in drunk again. He didn't expect him to actually change but it disappointed him none the less.

The day seemed to drag on forever and the girl was stuck on his mind the whole time. He couldn't concentrate, not that he wanted to listen to whatever they were trying to teach but he'd do anything to get the blonde off his mind.

There were only five minutes left until school was finally over and time never passed so slowly. As soon as the bell rang, he was so relieved, he picked up his stuff and ran to his locker putting away his books before heading to the Blue and Gold room to meet Betty. He had been dreading this since this morning yet he couldn't help but be a little excited he got to spend at least a little time alone with Betty.

He entered the room and saw Betty sitting there typing away with her eyebrows scrunched together, which Jughead thought was the cutest thing ever. She was so focused she didn't even hear him walk in so he just got his laptop out and sat in the chair opposite her which caused her to look up and spot him.

"Oh, hey Jug, sorry I didn't even hear you come in,"

"It's ok. So, uh, what you working on?"

"An article Mr. Honey asked me to write. It's about the new menu in the cafeteria, so fun!" she said, sarcasm laced through her words.

He let out a little laugh in agreement and opened a word document they started last time. They had a few small conversations but they mostly stayed focused on their own tasks until Betty asked Jughead to look at her article just to make sure it wasn't completely boring. He stood up and walked over to her, placing his hand on the back of her chair and leaning down so he could see her laptop. They were so close to each other he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and he could barely breathe and it seemed like Betty was the same. After he read the article he still stayed in his place, scared to move away from her.

What if I kissed her? He asked himself. What if? The thought was stuck in his mind and his head slowly turned to face hers as Betty did the same thing. They were so close their noses were practically touching but he quickly pulled away before he did something he'd regret. Of course, he wanted to kiss Betty but he was petrified of messing up their friendship.

He stood up straight and cleared his throat in an attempt to get rid of the huge lump in it. "Uh, it looks good" he said referring to the article Betty wrote. She just nodded in response and looked to the ground. He went back to his seat and continued editing his article.

They spent the rest of the time in silence occasionally looking up at each other then looking away before the other could catch them. They were both packing up and Betty was about to leave the room when Jughead stopped her.

"Betty, wait!" he said probably a bit too loudly than he needed to. She turned around and looked at him with a questioning look.

What if he told her? He stepped forward a little bit but stopped himself from going any closer. What are you doing? He thought. He tried to say something, anything but nothing was coming out. I can't do this, he thought. I won't let this question convince me to make the stupidest mistake ever, she doesn't like me and she never will.

"Nothing" he finally said. Disappointment flashed on her face but she quickly hid it with a smile before walking out of the room.

He should feel relieved that he saved himself the humiliation and disappointment but he couldn't help but feel like he had made a mistake. And his mind brought him back to the question. What if?

A/N hope you guys enjoyed that, I'm not currently planning on doing a part two unless you want me to.

So it turns out writing when you're stuck in the same place 24/7 is quite difficult but I'm trying to write a new chapter whenever I can.

that's all, love you guys


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