Day 3

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A/N I got this one up on the right day! yay!


Me, Veronica, Jughead and Archie all walked into the lake house and put our bags down. The house was so beautiful, I was excited to be spending a whole week here. And there was a huge town just a few minutes away so me and Veronica are going to go shopping tomorrow.

"Okay guys, so there was one thing I forgot to mention," Veronica said. "There are only two bedrooms and me and Archie were going to share, so you guys will have to share a room,"

I looked over at Jughead and he just shrugged and said it would be fine. I was okay with sharing a bed with him. I mean we've done it before when we were kids and were best friends so it should be fine. As long as he doesn't hog the covers.

We all put our bags in our room and went down to the living room to play a few games. We stayed downstairs playing for hours until we all decided to go to bed.

I went to the bathroom to get changed and walked back into the bedroom where Jug was and went to the other side of the bed and crawled in next to him making sure to put quite a bit of space between us.

I reached my hand out to turn the lamp beside me off before laying my head down on the pillow.

The lamp on the other side of the bed was still on and Jughead was sitting up reading a book. I turned to face the other way and closed my eyes waiting to fall asleep.

I woke up to a dark room and looked around. It was probably the middle of the night, the lamp next to Jug was now turned off and he was sleeping. I looked down and saw that the covers weren't there.

I looked back over to Jug and saw that he had hogged them. I was really cold so I grabbed them and yanked them over to my side and got comfy under them again.

"Betty?" said a gravelly voice. "What the hell?"

I shifted to face him. "You stole the covers, so I stole them back," I said and closed my eyes.

"Bettyyyyy," he whined. "I'm cooooold,"

I smiled at how childish we were acting. "Well that's not my problem," I said and keeping my eyes closed and trying to contain my smile.

I felt his hands go to my waist and he started tickling me. I let out a scream of laughter and tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't.

"Okay, okay, stop!" I squealed but he continued to tickle me.

"Nope," he said. "Not until you apologize for stealing the covers from me,"

"Never," I said he kept tickling me whilst I tried to escape. "Okay, fine.! I'm sorry,"

He stopped tickling me for a second but he didn't move his hands away.

"What for?" he asked with a teasing smile.

"For stealing the covers off me," I said and he moved his hands away. "Even though you did it to me first,"

He looked back at me and tried to look angry but it turned into a smile. I turned to face my side again and closed my eyes, trying to get to sleep.

"Hey!" I heard him say from behind me. "Aren't you going to let me have the covers? I'm still cold,"

"No, like I said before, not my problem," I said smiling.

"Fine then," I heard him mutter.

I went back to closing my eyes finally feeling tired again but then I felt him shift in the bed and then both his arms wrapped around my waist and his face nuzzled in my neck.

I was surprised but I didn't move his arms away, he was really comfortable and I kind of enjoyed being this close to him. 

A/N so there you go, I know my stories aren't as long but I am uploading more often so I think that's fair. Hope you all enjoyed!

that's all, love you guys

stay safe

Bye ❤

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