I'll Always Be There for You

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Betty's POV

"I don't get it what's your problem?" Jughead shouted looking very angry.

"You, you keep hanging out with the serpents I barely see you anymore!"

Jughead has been hanging with the serpents a lot lately and its really taken a toll on our relationship. We barely see each other anymore, anytime I try to organize a date he says he already had plans with them. Don't get me wrong I'm really happy that he has the serpents and he has a family he can trust but its almost as if he's forgotten about me.

"what so I'm not allowed to have friends now?"

"No, of course, you are but ever since you started hanging out with the serpents it's like you don't even care about me anymore"

"Betty, I do care about you, so much but you can't expect me to always want to be with you 24/7, I need a break sometimes"

"A break? From what, me?"

"Yes. Look, Betty, I love you but you really drive me crazy sometimes."

I paused and looked at him with shock. I can't believe he said that. I drive him crazy? Why didn't he just tell me about this? And what exactly have I been doing to drive him crazy?

"What!? I drive you crazy. Well, why didn't you tell me."

"Because I knew you'd overreact!"

"But I'm not! I'm not overreacting!"

As soon as I said that Jughead raised his hand in the air and I flinched and backed away a little bit. Jughead must have noticed because his expression softened and he looked a bit worried and sad. He put his arm down and tried to walk closer to me but I backed away.

And for the first time ever, I was scared. Of him. The person that I love the most and thought would never do anything to hurt me.

I used to have an abusive boyfriend. His name was Archie. He always shouted and hit me for the silliest reasons. Like if I ever talked with any other boys or basically any of my friends. It took me a long time to start to trust anyone but Jughead was always there and eventually, I started to feel a lot better. but now Jughead has done this.

"Betty, I am so sorry, you know I would never hit you, right?" he asked walking towards me again and pulling me into a hug.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't feel comfortable with his arms wrapped around me like I usually do but it wasn't uncomfortable if you know what I mean. I was very confused at this moment not really knowing what I was feeling. So, I just burst out into tears and he wrapped his arms tighter around my body and lead us to the couch and sat me down on his lap. I just continued to cry into his shoulder whilst he sat there rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

I felt a little bit safer after a while and my tears eventually stopped and we both just sat there still in the same position not saying anything. Just thinking.

"I'm so sorry Betty. You have to believe me."

"I know, it's ok"

"No, it's not though. I know about you and Archie and I did that anyway. I should have been more careful. I'm so so sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I'm really happy you found the serpents and they care about you."

He just smiled and kissed my forehead. We sat there for a couple more minutes before he spoke up again.

"Also, Betty, I didn't mean it when I said I needed a break and you drive me crazy. I was just angry and I know that's no excuse but-

I cut him off with a kiss.

"It's ok Jug, really we were both angry at each other but it's all sorted out now. Ok?"

"ok. And I hope you know I'll always be there for you."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too"

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