Day 10

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I woke up and turned to the side to see my wonderful boyfriend but he wasn't there. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and sat up looking around the room but he was nowhere to be found. I threw the covers aside and got up walking out of the room.

I checked the bathroom but he wasn't there either so I went downstairs to check if he was there. I walked down the last step and walked through to the kitchen where I found him looking through the cupboards.

"Jug? What are you doing?" I asked and went to sit on the kitchen counter. He turned around to see me.

"I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed but it looks like we only have cereal," he sighed. I laughed at how adorable he looked.

"Well then, could I have some cereal my love?" I asked teasingly. He walked up and pecked me to the lips before moving to one of the cupboards to get the cereal box and a bowl.

"Why of course my Juliet," he answered back. He walked over to the fridge to get milk and walked back pouring it into the bowl. I hopped off the counter and walked up to him.

"Jug, what are you doing?" I asked in disgust as he poured the cereal into the bowl. He looked over to me and frowned when he saw my expression.

"What do you mean, I'm just making cereal?" he laughed and went to get a spoon.

"You're doing it wrong," I said seriously. He looked back over to me and laughed looking kind of confused.

"Um, what do you mean?"

I looked at him in shock. "You're supposed to put the cereal first and then the milk," I explained.

He looked at me like I was joking but once he saw that I was being serious he looked at me weird. "Uh, no, that's not how you make cereal, the milk goes first."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it do-" I was about to say but I was cut off.

"You know what, let's not argue about this, okay? You make yours one way and I make mine the right way." He said and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"The right way? Since when is pouring the milk first the right way?"

"Um, since always," he replies like it's obvious.

"Okay, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, the cereal has always gone first," I explained seriously.

"No, it has alw-" he was cut off by the doorbell. "Who the hell is that?" he asks, but I just shrugged my shoulders.

I walked to the door, Jughead following me and I opened the door to reveal the boy next door.

"Hey guys," he said cheerfully. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me and Veronica at Pop's for breakfast?"

I glanced over at Jughead and raised my eyebrow to which he nodded at me. I pulled Archie in and closed the door locking it shut. Archie looked confused and a little bit scared.

"Okay Arch," Jughead started. "Milk or cereal first?"

Archie looked at both of us like we were insane before answering. "What do you mean? I don't eat it with milk, I like it plain," he said calmly.

"WHAT?!" Me and Jughead exclaimed at the same time.

"What kind of psychopath eats cereal without milk?!" Jughead Shouted and I nodded in agreement.

"What just because I like cereal plain that means I'm crazy?" he asks in an offended voice.

"Yes!" I answered back shouting. Archie just scoffed and turned around unlocking the front door.

"Right, well I came to invite you guys but never mind, I don't need this kind of negativity right now," he said waving his hands around. "So, I'm just gonna go."

He walked out the door and slammed it shut. Me and Jug stood there in silence, neither of us talked.

After a while of standing I finally spoke up. "What a drama queen am I right?"

Jughead looked at me and smiled, nodding. "Yeah, I know right." And with that we both headed back into the kitchen. 

 A/N this was inspired by buuughead so thank you to them!!

love you guys, 

stay safe, 

Bye ❤

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