Day 9

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I finally finished my last article for the Blue and Gold so I packed everything away and went to join my friends in the student lounge. I walked in and sat next to Jug, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey B, we were just talking about what we should do since our senior year is nearly over," Veronica explained.

"I still think we should throw a huge party," Reggie suggested and threw the football he was holding to Archie who caught it.

"No," Jug said. "I hate parties and we already have prom, why don't we do something different with less people."

"I agree," I chimed in and lifted my head off his shoulder. Then I got an amazing idea. "What if we had a huge sleepover?"

Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, and Veronica's lit up and they all agreed with me. Kevin and Veronica had already turned to each other to start planning.

"I don't know," said Archie and threw the ball back at Reggie.

"Come on, it'll be fun! Jug what about you?" I looked over to him and gave him puppy eyes. He sighed but nodded his head. I smiled and kissed his cheek then looked back at Archie who was giving jug a death glare.

"Seriously Jug? You couldn't have said no to her just this once?" Jug just shrugged his shoulders and put his arm around me, pulling me into a kiss. I smiled into the kiss and cupped his cheek.

"Okay, enough guys break it up," I heard Reggie say. We pulled away and I pecked his lips one more time before resting my head back on his shoulder.

"So, it's settled then, we're having a sleepover?" Veronica asks.

"Yup," I respond.

Me and Jug pulled up to thistle house in his truck. I got out and took my bags with me as we walked up to the door. Cheryl let us inside and we walked into the living room where everyone else was.

The girls set up the living room with a bunch of pillows and blankets, making it into a tiny fort whilst the boys raided the kitchen for food. We all got together in the fort and watched a bunch of movies until we all got bored.

"How about we play a game?" Kevin recommended. We all agreed to play truth or dare.

"Okay, who's first?" I ask. "How about...Toni, truth or dare?" she thought for a while, looking around the room at all of us before looking back at me.


I was thinking of a question when Kevin decided to ask one for me. "Who do you ship more, Veronica and Reggie or Veronica and Archie?"

Toni looked confused for a second but then she answered. "Um, I kinda shipped Veggie so..." Veronica and Reggie shared an awkward glance at each other whist Kevin whispered 'Yes' underneath his breath.

"Okay who's next?" Toni asks. "Veronica, truth or dare?"


"Oh, boooo. Come on someone needs to pick a dare soon," Archie complained and Veronica rolled her eyes.

"Okay. What do you think is better? Dogs and cats? Or birds?" Toi asks as I muttered 'Oh god not this again' under my breath.

"Oh, that's easy. Birds, they're so much better," Veronica answered.

"Okay, now someone please pick dare!" said Kevin.

"Okay," Veronica started. "Betty, truth or dare?" I sighed and leaned into jug a little bit. I knew they were gonna make me choose dare.

"Fine, dare."

Veronica and Kevin both smiled and gave each other a knowing look. The look they give each other when they know something I don't. and then they both said, in unison...

"I dare you and Jughead to make out!"

I glanced over at Jughead and he was already looking at me with the same expression. "No! me and Jughead are not gonna make out in front of you all!" I shouted.

"Oh, come on!" Kevin said. "We've seen you do it a million times, you don't always close the door to the Blue and Gold and there are cameras in there."

"Wait what?!" Jughead said and paused for a second. "Wait, why are you looking at the school's security cameras?"

"I didn't say they were the schools," he said and my eyes widened and I think everyone else's did too.

"Kevin! Why the hell are you putting cameras in the Blue and Gold room? Are you trying to spy on me and Jughead?!"

"Why does it matter? It's not like you guys have 'done it' in there." Everyone sat there in silence. I tried to speak but I was lost for words.

Then I heard laughing. It was Reggie. Everyone turned to look at him in horror but then, one by one all us started joining in until all of us were practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

After our laughing fit we all decided to watch one more movie before going to sleep but most of us fell asleep during the movie anyway. It was a pretty good sleepover. 

A/N sorry about not uploading yesterday, I had a story and then I lost it and I didn't want to write it out all over again. oops. 

love you all,

stay safe,

Bye ❤

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