Day 5

865 26 3

First Kiss

I walked through the doors, the bells chiming as I entered. I walked up to our normal booth and saw him sitting there. I sat down in the seat opposite and he looked up from his laptop smiling.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey. How are you, I feel like we haven't seen each other for ages. My mom is such a nightmare," I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah, well I guess that's Alice Cooper for you." He replied. "But you're here now, without having to deal with Veronica and Archie, thank god," he said and now it was my turn to laugh.

"Yeah. How have things been at Southside?"

"Good. I mean, I definitely fit in better there. And I finally get away from you so that's always a bonus," he teased to which I just rolled my eyes but I couldn't help but smile.

"Gee, thanks Jug,"

"Anytime," he said and winked at me.

We stayed at the diner for hours eating and talking about anything and everything. I moved to the other seat and sat next to him as we told stories.

"Wait what? he actually did that?" Jug laughed.

I tried to say something back but I was laughing too hard and I ended up choking on my own laughter until I eventually caught my breath.

"Yeah, and the WHOLE school was watching, it was so funny!"

"God, Archie really is an idiot!" he laughed and I nodded in agreement calming down slightly.

"Yeah. You know when we first met I really wanted to murder you, but now, I want to murder you less," I stated jokingly. He put his hand on his heart and smiled at me.

"Well, that has to be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," he said wiping a fake tear. "I don't really want to murder you either,"

"Aw, Juggie, your so kind!" I smiled at him and he smiled back but something was different about all those other smiles. Neither of us said anything, I almost forgot where I was.

"U-um, should we go on a walk?" Jug suggested. I tried to answer but it was like I had forgotten how to speak so I just nodded and slid out the booth, him following.

We walked along Sweetwater River in silence. It wasn't awkward silence but it wasn't comfortable like all the other times we walk together. Sometimes our hands would brush against each other and I would blush and look at him and smile and he'd do the same, then we'd go back to just walking.

"Jug" "Betty" we both said at the same time. "Sorry, you go" "You can go" we said again at the same time which caused us to laugh for a second. He looked at me the same way he looked at me in Pop's but then he looked back down as we continued to walk.

We were sat beside each other on a rock looking at the moon shining down on the river. I rested my head on his shoulder and he leaned his head against mine.

"Betty?" he said under his breath. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked at him. Our faces were only inches apart.

He looked at me and leaned in. he stopped just as his lips brushed mine before pressing his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and moved my lips slowly against his. The kiss was soft but emotional. He pulled back but I cupped his cheek and kissed him again.

We held hands as he walked me up to my doorstep. My mother was probably waiting in the living room for me to come home so she could give me another lecture about coming home late but I wasn't thinking about that.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Jug asked.

I nodded and kissed his cheek. My lips lingered there before I pulled back. I whispered a 'Bye' and opened my front door walking inside leaving him standing by my door smiling.

A/N sorry this was uploaded later than I expected but I got it up in time.

love you guys

stay safe

Bye ❤

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