Day 1

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A/N so I'll be uploading a new story for every day this month, they might be a bit shorter but oh well


I entered the book shop and stood there taking in all the books with wide eyes. I skipped through the shop with a wide smile on my face, looking at all the shelves before deciding to walk down one and look at the books. I ran my fingers along the spines of the books and picked one of the hardcover books. Turtles All the Way Down. I ran my hand over the cover and hugged the book tight to my chest. "I'm home," I whispered to myself and put the book back on the shelf.

I walked along the aisle and picked up another book. We Were Liars. I opened up the book and buried my face in it smelling the pages. I put the book back on the shelf and started walking around again. I found another book and picked it up, inspecting it, then I put it down and got the one next to it and did the same. I did this to about four books. I picked up a fifth one and inspected it like all the others. I stared at the front cover for about 30 seconds and then kissed the cover before putting it down.

I went around the whole shop smelling and hugging all the books. I picked up another book. Under a Dancing Star.

"Are you going to buy any of these books?" I heard from behind me. I jumped, and the book fell from my hands. I tried to catch the book before it landed on the floor but I tripped on my own foot and fell over landing on top of the book and the guy just stood there and laughed.

"Is my pain funny to you?" I asked a little ruder than I intended.

"Sorry, but you have to admit that was really funny," he said still laughing, but now he bent down to help me up. I muttered a thanks as I reached down to pick up the book and put it back on the shelf.

"So, are you gonna buy any books?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, ever since you walked in you walked in here you've been sniffing and kissing all the books, I was just wondering if you were going to buy any of the books you made out with?"

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. "Wha- were you spying on me?"

He laughed again. "Well, to be fair, it was pretty hard not to look at the beautiful girl who skipped in here just to smell a bunch of books, and that wasn't my question,"

I blushed a little when he called my beautiful put looked down before he could see, but he clearly did and it put a smug smile on his face.

I smiled at him and asked, "I just love books; you got a problem with that?"

"Oh, certainly not, I apologize," he said back sarcastically causing both of us to laugh. "I'm Jughead,"

"Jughead? What kind of name is that?" I asked laughing.

He put his hand on his chest and pretended to be offended "Hey, I didn't judge your weird book obsession, don't judge my name. and I believe it is your turn to tell me your name,"

"I can't tell you my name, what if you're a serial killer?"

"You really think I could be a serial killer?"

"Well I don't know you, and you were spying on me and my books,"

"Well maybe we could get to know each other more over coffee sometime?" he asked and raised his eyebrows.

"Wow, smooth," I replied sarcastically.

"Why thank you," he said and we both laughed.

"Sure, give me your phone, I'll put my number in,"

He reached in his pocket and took out his phone handing it to me. I put my number in it and set my contact as "Betty" then handed it back to him.

He took it from me and looked at the phone. "Betty? What a beautiful name," he said making me blush again. "Well if your done making out with your books would you maybe want to get coffee now?"

I rolled my eyes but laughed and said, "I'd love to,"

A/N there you go. I really wanted to write a story that expresses my love for books. I love all my books, they are much better than people in my opinion. 

and in case anyone was wondering, yes I do smell my books and stuff, they smell nice, don't judge

Bye ❤

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