Fuck them

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A/N this chapter was requested by marialouisa_x so thank you so much for the suggestion, I really liked writing this chapter, I hope you guys like it too. enjoy...

Betty's POV

"Juggie stop!" I screamed laughing but Jughead still continued to tickle me.

"Nope. Not until you apologize" he said with an amused voice.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry for stealing one of your fries," I said and he stopped tickling me. he kissed my forehead and put his arm back around me as I snuggled into him on his couch.

"I love you," he said pulling me closer to him.

I looked up into his eyes and smiled. I leaned up to place a soft kiss on his lips, short but sweet. I pulled away and said, "I love you too".

We laid there together in comfortable silence for a while just taking in these moments.

I love Jughead so much. He is so amazing, sweet and even though he pretends to be tough, around me he has a soft side and its really adorable. He is the Serpent king, which means he does have to spend time at the Whyte Wyrm but I don't mind and all the serpents like me so I usually hang around with Toni, fangs, and Sweetpea.

There's only one problem, the Northside. I'm the 'Northside Princess', or at least that's what they think. I'm the perfect girl next door. The Northside and Southside have been enemies since forever. The Southside has never done anything wrong yet the Northside still looks at them like they're dirt on their shoes. They hate the Southside. and they would never accept my relationship.

No one on the Northside knows about me and Jughead, not even my best friends. But that's all about to change. Southside High closed so now Jughead and the rest of the gang are moving to Riverdale High tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do.

"You okay Betts, you seem distracted,"

"Huh? Oh yeah, no, I'm fine. Just, thinking about tomorrow,"

"about me transferring?" he asked and I nodded in response.

"Don't worry, we'll show them, we don't need their opinion, what matters is you and me,"

"Yeah, your right,"

Jughead and I are standing in front of Riverdale High, preparing to walk in. the thing I'm most worried about is my friends, will they like him? They aren't too fond of the Southside either and I know that if they don't like him, Jughead could be in big trouble. Archie can be very protective and would not hesitate to hurt Jughead if he thinks that he isn't good enough.

I felt Jughead slip his hand in mine and squeeze it. "It'll be ok, remember," he said. I nodded and gave his hand a squeeze before we started for the doors.

As we walk down the hall, every pair of eyes were on us and it kind of gave me a little more confidence. We reached our lockers which were now right next to each other's, and everyone was still staring, confused at what they see.

Now I feel kind of uncomfortable with everyone staring and Jughead could tell so he whispered in my ear, "How about we give them something to stare at,". He then pushed me up against the lockers, his hands on my waist and kissed me.

I was shocked for a second but quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I could tell everyone was staring at me and him making out but I didn't care, right now it was just me and Juggie. Eventually, the bell rang and kids slowly filtered out of the halls. Jughead pulled away and rested our foreheads together.

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