Front Cover

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So......I changed the front cover for my book. Why I decided to write an entire chapter to tell you that, I don't know, but I did.

Please let me know what you think.
Do you like it??
Would you like me to make other ones and you guys vote on what you want??
Did you like the first one better??
Just let me know.

Also wanted to tell you that I am writing a chapter just now. This is (hopefully) going to be one of the best chapters I ever do. It is a little more emotional than my other ones and talks more about mental health.

Some (well, actually a lot) of the writing in this chapter will be actual pieces of writing from my...I don't know what to call it, it's sort of a diary but it's really just for when I'm feeling overwhelmed I write in it and I am going to be using that to create this story.

Most of the things I write in this "diary" of mine, is written either very late at night or very early in the morning, as that's the time I feel most overwhelmed, worried or sad. When I'm feeling like that I write down just everything I feel, not what has happened to me just what I feel in that exact moment, even if I don't know how I feel, I try to write it down anyway. I write the exact time I wrote it as well as the date.

All the things that the characters are going through in this chapter are all things that have happened to me so these are all real life situations, some that happened maybe a few weeks ago, some that happened very recently, like today.

And the name of this chapter will be:

                          How Am I?

I also wanted to say a HUGE thank you to buuughead she has been so incredible. After the thing that happened today I was sitting in one of my classrooms at school and I messaged her whilst crying and she was just so supportive and helpful and even made me laugh a few times.  give her some love, she's amazing!!

And a HUGE thank you to unknownbird101 as well. She has also been so amazing and helped me today when I needed it, and she's just been the absolute best!! give her some love too, she's so Awesome!!

Both those people are amazing ❤️

I'm not sure when this chapter will come out but I'm hoping that you will all like it.

That's all, see you later

Love you all


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