Day 6

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It's okay, just go back to sleep," I tried to get everyone back to sleep but some of them are convinced the Gargoyle King is coming for them.

"But what if it comes back?" Hannah asked worriedly. "Is he going to kill all of us?"

"What? No, everything is going to be fine, I promise,"

"What if his disciples find us, will they hurt us?" another kid asked.

"No, all of you guys will be safe- "

"What if the Gargoyle King isn't really gone?" another asked.

"The Griffin Queen will protect you guys remember? And she killed the Gargoyle King; you have nothing to worry ab- "

"I saw him," said one of the boys. Everyone turned to face him with terrified expressions. One of the girls started crying so I walked over to her and rubbed her back to calm her down.

"What do you mean Tyler?" I asked.

"The Gargoyle King was there when we escaped. I saw him, he was with his disciples,"

Everyone started to panic, some of them even started to scream, and some of the others were crying. I tried to calm everyone but no one was listening. I was so tired; I've been looking after these kids for almost a week now and every night one of them wakes up screaming saying the gargoyle King is coming for them. and on top of all that I haven't seen Jug for ages and I have no idea where he is or if he's even okay.

"Okay, Enough!" I shouted. Everyone fell silent and stared at me, some still with tears in their eyes. "Okay, look I know you're scared but no one is going to hurt you, you are completely safe here. No one needs to worry about anything. You all need to just go to sleep."

They quieted down and I made sure all of them were okay and going to sleep before I started to head out the room. I let out a loud yawn as I reached the stairs but just as my foot landed on the first step I heard the doorbell.

I froze in my spot, eyes wide and for a second I stopped breathing, scared that if I did something might happen. I slowly made my way back into the living room, telling everyone to be quiet and shushing them before tiptoeing slowly to the front door.

My hands were in tight fists and I could feel the sweat building up inside them. as I made my way closer to the door the pounding in my head became louder and louder until it was the only thing I could hear. All my other senses had gone numb and I couldn't feel anything. Until the doorbell rang again. I jumped back a little but continued to the door.

When I reached it, I put my hand on the doorknob but I paused. I tried to take a deep breath but it came out all shaky. I closed my eyes and shut them tight. My grip on the door handle tightened and I turned the knob slowly and then swung the door open fast and stepped back, scared whoever was on the other side was about to hurt me but when I opened my eyes all feelings came back at seeing the person who was standing there.

"Jug," I breathed out. I ran out the door and the cold air hit my skin, goosebumps forming on my arms and I jumped into his arms. My arms wrapped around his neck and I squeezed him tightly never wanting to let go.

He pulled back slightly and cupped my cheek with his freezing hands, pulling me into a much-needed kiss. I pressed my lips harder against his and then pulled back resting our foreheads against each other.

"I missed you so much," he whispered. I looked up at him, tears falling down my face.

"I missed you too, so much." He used his thumb to wipe away all my tears then kissed my forehead and led me inside.

We passed all the kids and went upstairs to my room. We cuddled in my bed as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear and rubbed my arms. I buried my head in his neck as I drew patterns on his stomach with my finger.

"I love you," I said quietly.

He kissed my head and said, "I love you too." AndI knew that I was safe in his arms.

Love you guys,

stay safe,

Bye ❤

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