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I know I already hit 1K on my other account but it still means so much that you guys are willing to read my stories.

Thank you guys so much!! You are all awesome!!!

I'm so sorry that this isn't a chapter but guess what??

I am finally finding inspiration for my chapter Bullied, so that will be up tomorrow!!

Also one more thing I wanted to say...

So I'm currently working on a musical called Loserville

And my two friends Annabelle and Harley have a podcast about all our 'traumatic experiences' at musical theatre.

Watch it!!

I will also be featured in the podcast. It's really funny you should watch it.

It's called

515600 minutes (or less) of theatre talk

It's on Spotify or Apple music.

Please check it out!!

And again thank you so so so much for 1K I'm so grateful for all you guys!!

I love you all so much

Bye ❤️

Bughead OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now