Check it out!!

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Sorry this isn't a chapter (I know I suck) but this is very important!!

So, first of all, I'm gonna take the time to plug my own story...


okay, now that that's done...

I want every single one of you to go over to the amazing -Bubbly-Snowflake- and check out her new book!! I've already seen the first two chapters and it's so amazing, so go check it out!!

I also have another friend, she has gone insane, much like me. And she mad a YouTube channel cause she was bored

She told me she would kill me if I did this but you guys should go check it out...the name of her channel is...

Annabelle Rand

And feel free to tell her I sent you to her, but she might kill me, so yay!

That's all, so sorry this isn't a chapter

Love you all

Bye ❤️

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