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OMG guys we made it!!


that is so insane, I cannot thank you guys enough, it literally would not be possible without each and every one of you!!

It's only been 5 months since I first published this oneshot book and I, in no way thought that we would even make it to 1K but oh my god 10K!!

(This is not my book, it is our book, you guys play just as big a part in it as I do, if not bigger)

I really wish I could hug all of you right now, you guys are THE BEST!!

As a thank you for 10K I am going to be starting a new book. And it's going to be an actual book this time (woah, never done that before).

It won't be out today but it will be out by the end of this month so look forward to that!

The name of our next book will be:
(Unless I change it for some reason cause I'm more indecisive than KJ APA)


And just in case anyone was wondering even if the barchie cheating rumours are true I will still be continuing this book, but I just might not watch the show anymore. I still love bughead so I see no reason to stop.

However for my other texting book, I might just delete it. I was kinda following the plot of Riverdale, there's not many chapters and it doesn't have too many reads so yeah.

But as for my new book, it's same as I said before, first chapter will be out by the end of this month if not earlier.

That's all, I fricken love you guys!!

Stay safe!

Bye ❤️

Bughead OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now