Day 7

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Spin the Bottle

Me and Veronica walked up the steps and knocked on the door. not a second later the door swung open in one fast motion and Cheryl stood there with a chaotic smile.

"Veronica, Cousin Betty, Welcome," she greeted. She moved to the side allowing us to enter.

There was already loud music blasting everywhere and drunk teenagers scattered around in every room. Veronica grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen to get drinks. She gave me a red solo cup with a clear liquid inside, I didn't want to drink tonight so I just held it and waited for Veronica to start talking to someone so I could go and switch it for water.

I stood nest to Archie and Veronica as they flirted with each other until I decided I had had enough. I sighed and turned about to walk away when Veronica grabbed my arm.

"Where you going B?"

"Uh, I'm just gonna go outside for some air, you stay here I'll be fine." I walked back to the kitchen and poured my drink into the sink and filled it up with some water instead.

I walked outside, and took a deep breath enjoying being able to finally breathe in fresh air. There wasn't nearly as many people outside. There were a few people smoking in a corner and two girls, one of them crying whilst the other comforted her. I leaned against the wall sighing. It felt a little weird being here, I wasn't one for parties.

"Betty?" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I turned to find one of my best friends standing there.

"Jug. What are you doing here? I never expected to see you at a party," I joked. He let out a breathy laugh and went to lean against the wall with me.

"Yeah, I never expected to be here either but Archie somehow convinced me." I nodded at him and looked to the ground. "What about you? Veronica drag you to this?"

"Yeah, and then she ditched me for Archie," I lifted the cup to my lips taking a small sip. There was a faint taste of alcohol in it, I should have rinsed it more, I thought.

"Well if it makes you feel any better Archie ditched me for her so, I guess you're stuck with me." I smiled at him and rested my head on his shoulder. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while before we heard our names being called.

I lifted my head off his shoulder and leaned forward to see who was calling us. Veronica was standing there waving our hands, signaling us to follow her. I nudged Jug lightly and nodded my head toward Veronica. He sighed but nodded back and we both headed towards her as she led us back into the house.

We entered a room with only a few people, all of which I knew. Some of the bulldogs, including Reggie and Archie were sitting in on one of the couches. Kevin and Fangs were sitting on the other. There were a few other people standing around, they all looked like they were waiting for something. I sat down on the couch next to Fangs and Jughead sat on the other side of me just as Cheryl strutted into the room with a bottle in her hand. I sighed knowing exactly what was going on and I felt Jughead sink deeper into the couch, probably thinking the same thing I was.

"Okay listen up people!" Cheryl shouted. "I think its time we play a little game called... spin the bottle." She smiled mischievously.

She scanned the room looking for her first victim. Before her eyes landed on Archie.

"Archie. How about you start us off?" she passed the bottle to him and he put it on the table spinning it. Everyone sat waiting until it began to slow down and landed on...Kevin.

Both Kevin and Archie looked shocked for a second but he got up and walked over to Kevin laying a big fat kiss on his lips. It only lasted a second but all the bulldogs started hooting at them and some others cheered. He walked back over to the other couch and plopped down putting hid hands behind his head.

"Well, who would like to go next? How about...Jughead Jones."

The whole room fell silent and Jughead, who had barely been paying attention looked up with surprised eyes. "Uh no, I don't think so," he replied shaking his head.

Cheryl rolled her eyes and took the bottle off the table and shoved it in Jug's hands. "Too bad," she said. "Cause you don't have a choice."

Jughead looked around the room at everyone and his eyes landed on me. he took a deep sigh and put the bottle on the table spinning it. The bottle spun around and around until it finally started to slow down. It got slower and slower, it felt like it was never going to stop...until it did.

Everyone gasped silently as the looked at the person the bottle had just landed on. Me.

I looked at Jughead and he raised his eyebrows asking if this was okay. I looked around and saw everyone staring at us. I looked back at Jug and gave him a small nod. I leaned forward and cupped his cheek bringing his face down to meet mine. Our lips met and it sent shocks throughout my body. We moved our lips together in sync and it felt like the whole world melted away. His hand went to my waist but moved slowly to the small of my back.

I pulled away for a second to catch my breath before he pulled me back in for another kiss, which was more heated this time. I heard someone cough and I suddenly remembered where I was and so did Juggie. We pulled away from each other slowly and a moved to sit properly back in my seat.

The whole room was staring at us, speechless until a certain red-head diva spoke up.

"Well I think I speak for all of us when I say, wow. Who knew there was so much tension between the towns weirdo and perfect girl next door?"

The game continued and Fangs went next. It seems like people had already forgotten about the kiss but I hadn't. I could still feel the heat on my lips.

I felt someone's hand touch mine and I looked down to see Jughead lacing his fingers with mine. I looked up at Jug and smiled at him. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder again as we watched everyone else play the game.

Love you guys,

stay safe,

Bye ❤

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