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A/N again thank you to floralemi for suggesting this Oneshot.


Betty's POV

I'm freaking out right now. Tomorrow everyone at school must get a flu shot and I'm terrified of needles. They scare me so much. When I was younger, I would scream and cry every time I had to get shots, my parents had to hold me down while the doctor injected me. I hate the idea of a complete stranger putting a huge pointy needle in my arm.

But I don't want to tell anyone because they'll probably think I'm ridiculous or make fun of me. Truth is that my school life isn't as good as everyone thinks it is. Sure, I have friends but a lot of people in my classes don't like me and are more than happy to show they have a problem with me. But it only happens in the classes my friends aren't in. Or, sometimes I get notes in my locker telling me to go fuck myself and other things like that.

So, I don't want to draw more attention to myself with this whole flu shot thing. But I'm terrified. It's a complicated situation and usually, I would go to Veronica or Juggie about this but I don't even want to tell them.

It's Sunday night and Juggie and I are at his trailer watching a bunch of movies but I'm too distracted thinking about tomorrow.

"You ok Betts?" Jug asked. I looked up at him, concern in his eyes but quickly looked away because I felt tears in my eyes but I didn't want to cry. "Hey Betts, it's ok please, tell me what's wrong I want to help you,"

That was it. I burst into tears and Juggie pulled me even closer to him, rubbing my arm, placing soft kisses on my head and whispering calming words to me.

We stayed like that a while until I calmed down and then we just sat there on the couch, me snuggled up against him with his arm wrapped around me. Neither of us moved from that position for at least 10 minutes.

"Betts please tell me what's wrong,"

"It's nothing really I promise,"

"Please, Betts I can't help you unless you tell me why you're upset,"

"You promise you won't make fun of me?"

"I promise," he replied and lifted both of my hands and kissed them.

"OK well, you know how we have to get a flu shot tomorrow?" he nodded. "Well, I'm kind of...scared. Of needles. They terrify me so much and I..."

I started crying again and Jughead pulled me back into a hug in an attempt to calm me down.

"I'm sorry Betty, I had no idea. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you'd laugh at me or make fun of me like everyone else."

"What do you mean 'everyone else'. Who makes fun of you?"

Oh no. I didn't mean to say that. But what can I do? Well, I can't lie now. I should just tell him.

"some people at school, for some reason, don't really like me that much and they sometimes make fun of me or they put notes in my locker. But it only ever happens when you're not around," I explained in a shaky voice. "I didn't want to tell you because I thought that you'd think I was being over-dramatic or something. I'm sorry."

"Hey, you don't need to apologize. And I would never make fun of you. I am so sorry that those people are doing that to you but I promise I will do everything I can to help you, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks, Juggie,"

"Always. I love you"

"I love you too," I said and rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me again and we continued to watch the rest of the movie.

When Monday came me and Juggie walked to school together and we met up with the rest of the gang. No one bothered me for the first part of the day but then Reggie came up to me whilst I was at my locker and started teasing me. He was getting on my last nerve so I slammed my locker shut, turned around and punched him in the nose. He stumbled back and almost fell but just managed to stay on his feet. His nose was bleeding and probably broken as well.

He stormed off and turned round the corner just as Jughead came round the same one and saw Reggie holding his nose. He then turned his head and saw me and a little smirk appeared on his face. He walked up to me, put his arm around me and kissed my forehead.

"So, Reggie's broken nose," he said. "That didn't have anything to do with you did it?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"Maybe" I replied and he just laughed.

"Well done. I'm proud of you for standing up to them. Are you gonna be ok getting the flu shot?"

"I think so. Thanks to you"

"No problem. Any time."

I went into the room to get the shot still feeling a little bit nervous. But I felt a lot better than I did yesterday now that I've told Jughead about everything. He really is the most amazing person ever and I cannot believe how lucky I am to have him. I really love him so much.

I sat down and looked away when I felt the needle go into my arm. I hissed at the pain when I moved my arm again looking at the tiny plaster in the spot where the needle had just been.

I walked out of the room and headed back to my English classroom and sat down next to Jug.

"How was it?" he asked rubbing my back when I sat down.

"My arms a little bit sore but other than that it was actually ok,"

"Great. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks, Juggie. Me too,"

So, it turns out getting the flu shot wasn't as scary as I made it out to be and after that situation, with Reggie, no one bothered me again. All thanks to my Juggie.

A/N so yeah, that was my one shot. I hope it was ok.

don't forget to vote and comment. If you have any idea's you would like to see me do.

today's question is...

What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?

see you all soon. love you all


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