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This isn't a chapter but it is important.

So I'm officially on full lockdown, I can't leave my house (unless I want to go for a walk but it has to be by myself and I can only have a walk once a day)...

So it's been like, two days and I've already lost my mind.

I'm not scared of this Corona stuff but I am worried for my mental health, being in the same house all the time and you know isolation and stuff. And it's been driving me insane...

Like, sitting on your bed all alone rocking back and forth laughing really weirdly insane. (Don't ask, cause I don't know)

And because I've been going insane, I've had no ideas for chapters, I thought this would make me update more but like everything I upload, all the ideas come to me at random times and nothing is happening to me so I have no inspiration.

That's where I need your help. If any of you have any ideas, literally ANY ideas (if you want aliens coming and possessing Archie to make him snort a milkshake up his nose, I'll fricken do it!), that's would be so helpful!!

Yeah, so please, if you have any ideas that would be great.

Also just thought I'd mention, remember to check out my other book!!

That's all, stay safe

Love you guys


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