Afterlife (part two)

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Jughead's POV

I can't believe this is happening. My Betty is dead. I could have done something, I should have done something, anything. I could have pushed her out the way. This is all my fault. I killed her...

We were all at Pop's. We had just been to Betty's funeral. Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And I still can't help but feel guilty. No one spoke. We all stayed silent for at least 20 minutes.

"I can't believe this really happened," Archie said, not looking up.

"This is all my fault. I should have helped her or pushed her out the way. It's my fault she's dead." I murmured to myself, but I guess everyone else heard too because they all looked up at me and my dad who was sitting next to me put his hand on my back rubbing it.

"No Jug, it's not your fault. There's nothing you could have done." My dad reassured and everyone else nodded in agreement.

I appreciated everyone being there for me and trying to comfort me but I really didn't want to see anyone at all for at least a week. Or maybe ever.

Betty was the only thing that kept me going. She was there for me when no one else was. Like when my dad went to prison, or when my mom tried to take over the drug business in Riverdale. She was always there. And now she's gone. I wasn't there when she needed me.

So what am I supposed to do? I could never forget about her. And I can't move on. There's nothing left for me here. I haven't been writing. I can't bring myself to do it. I just don't have my inspiration anymore. What's the point of living anymore?

It had been a week since Betty's funeral and I wasn't feeling any better. In fact, I was feeling worse. At this point, even breathing feels like a chore. I haven't felt happiness in what feels like forever.

But I have a plan. That will hopefully bring Betty back to me. I don't think anyone will miss me too much. I mean, Veronica and Archie still have each other and my dad has Jellybean so they will get over it. I'm going to do it today. At Sweetwater River. And then after that, I will be happy.

I hopped off my motorbike and walked up a small cliff and stood on the edge. I looked over and saw how high it is. Should I really do this? I mean if I'm this upset about Betty how upset is everyone else going to be about me as well. I started to back away from the edge of the cliff to re-think everything when I slipped on a slippery rock and fell off. Then nothing. Just darkness.

I woke up in a strange white room. Am I dead? I got up and walked around until I saw a woman standing there with a smile on her face like she was waiting for me. I walked up to her and as I got closer a door appeared beside her. Was that there before? This place was definitely strange but it didn't make me uncomfortable. Weird.

"Hello, Jughead is it?" she asked. How does she know my name?

"Uh, yeah, where are we?"

"This is the in-between. The place you go when you die before going to heaven. Or in some cases, hell."

"So I am dead" I mumbled to myself. She then walked over to me.

"There's someone waiting for you. I think you'll be pleased to see them." She explained. I was confused by what she meant but went in anyway. Who was waiting for me?

As soon as I saw who was in the room I froze. It couldn't be, could it? I smiled. For the first time in forever. And then she turned around and saw me.

I walked over to her and she got up walking towards me as well before wrapping her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around her as well. I got my Juliet back.

I'm happy.

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