Fell Asleep Together

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A/N this is part two of What If?

Jughead climbed up the stairs and stepped into the trailer once again. It was completely silent, no noise. He walked in further until his foot hit something making a clinking sound that filled the dead air. He looked down and was an empty beer bottle rolling slowly away from his foot.

He looked to the side and saw my dad passed out with beer bottles all over the floor and couch. With a sigh he turned and walked the opposite way to his bedroom. He picked up a few pieces of clothing and shoved them inside his bag sitting in the corner of his room. After packing what he needed he made his way back out the bedroom, through the house to the door. He opened it and took one last glance at his drunken father before walking out closing the door behind him.

After walking around town for a while his eyes felt heavy and his feet were aching, he needed to find somewhere to go soon. He found himself on the Northside standing outside of the Girl Next door's house. He stood there pondering what he should do. He could knock. No, that would wake everyone. He could send her a text. No, its probably turned off. She might not even be awake; I mean who would be at this time.

Deciding it was a bad idea, he turned walking away to find somewhere else to stay.

His feet were now killing him and he was sure he would collapse if he didn't find somewhere to go soon. He stopped for a second, tired of walking and looked around. In the distance he could see the Twilight Drive-In, where he works. A wave of relief rushed over him as he started walking towards the Drive-In.

He reached the Drive-In and was about to head into the projection room before he heard a small noise. It sounded like someone else was there. He slowly walked around the corner and saw the blonde beauty herself sitting on the cold ground, hugging her knees, crying.


She jumped and looked up quickly before relaxing slightly when she saw it was only him. She cleared her throat and looked down avoiding all eye contact. "Oh, hey, Jughead,"

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" he asked crouching down to sit beside her. She shifted slightly to put a little space in between them although they were still very close.

"Nothing, just...thought I'd go for a walk. I couldn't sleep," she said that last part almost in a whisper.

He could see the tear stains on her face and her eyes were all red from crying. And he could tell she knew he wasn't buying that excuse. Ignoring the butterflies, he got in his stomach from sitting this close to her, he said "It's okay, Betty, you can tell me. whatever it is, you can trust me,"

She finally lifted her head up to look at him, suddenly noticing how close they were. She sighed and looked back down, playing with her hands. "It's my mom. She keeps pressuring me to be this perfect person and I'm trying my best. But it's like no matter what I do, it's not enough," she said letting out a quiet sob. "I don't even see my sister anymore cause my parents sent her away to god know where and I just...I can't handle everything, it's too much,"

He could see that a few tears were running down her face now and he swears he has never seen her more beautiful than she is now. She's showing him a side of her that no one else has seen. She's broken inside, just like him and she is finally letting it all out, and he's there with her.

He didn't say anything. he just put his arm around her and she leaned on him, resting her head on his chest, sniffling. And they sat there, together, neither of them saying anything, just being there with each other.

After a long comfortable silence, without looking up, Betty whispered "Thank you, Jug. For listening, and not judging me,"

"Of course. You know you can always come to me if you need anything," he whispered back, rubbing her shoulder.

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