When I Met Him (part two)

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Betty's POV

Jug and I have been hanging out a lot lately and I'm really starting to like him. I joined the blue and gold so we meet up after school and sometimes on weekends to work on the newspaper. So, we spend a lot of time together and I've got to know a lot more about him now. He started opening up about his home life. Apparently, he only lives with his dad now because his mom and sister left when he was little. His dad used to be an alcoholic and his mom got tired of it so she grabbed his sister Jellybean and left leaving Jughead all by himself. I told him about my family. About how my mom is crazy, my sister rarely comes home anymore (because of some kid called Jason Blossom) and my dad has been staying somewhere else because he and my mom get into too many fights.

It's nice having someone to talk to about that sort of stuff. And he listens to me as well. Like, actually listens and understands what I'm saying. And I listen to him as well. We help each other.

Of course, I hang out with everyone else too. Kevin, Veronica and I are all best friends now. And I hang with Archie a lot as well and I walk to school with him since were neighbors.

Right now I'm getting ready. Jughead asked me to go to the Drive-in with him. I know it's not technically a date since Veronica and Kevin are coming as well (Archie couldn't because he has some music thing going on) but it's something. He's meant to be picking me up and then we're meeting Veronica and Kevin there.

I finished getting ready just when there was a knock on the door, so I quickly ran downstairs to answer it. And there stood Jughead jones.

"Hey, you ready to go?" he asked smiling at me.

"yup, let's go" I replied also smiling before I stepped outside and locked the door behind me.

The drive there was actually really fun. We just talked about anything and everything and in no time at all, we had reached the Twilight Drive-in. We parked the truck and set up lots of pillows and blankets for when the movie starts and then Jug went away to get us some snacks for the movie.

I was waiting for about two minutes when I saw Kevin driving his truck with Veronica. They parked right next to us. They also had a bunch of blankets and stuff.

"Hey B!"

"Hi V, Hi Kev," I said and walked over to them.

"Where's Jug, isn't he coming to?"

"Yeah he's just getting some snacks for us he'll be here soon" Just as I said that I saw him walking back to the truck.

"Hey, Betts I got you some popcorn, gummy bears and a Coke, that's your favorite right?"

"Yeah, thank you Juggie!" I exclaimed as I took the food off him.

We all talked for a while until the movie was about to start. Veronica and Kevin got into his truck and me and Juggie got into his. The movie that was playing was The Shining which is a really scary movie so every time I got scared I would cuddle into Jug so by the end of the movie my head was resting on his shoulder and his arm was around me but neither of us seemed to mind.

"You ok Betts you seemed really terrified," Jug asked as he laughed at me as we were tidying all the pillows and blankets away.

"Hey, stop laughing at me and yeah I was scared how were you not" I replied and hit his shoulder as he continued to laugh. But eventually, I started to smile and chuckle a little bit.

We had just reached my house and I couldn't see any lights on which meant my mom was probably working late again at the register. Jug got out of the car and quickly walked over to my side opening the door for me. And then we both walked over to my front door.

"Thank you for tonight Juggie, I really had fun"

"I had fun too, I really enjoy hanging out with you"

He started slowly walking towards me and stopped once our faces were just inches apart. His eyes kept flickering down to my lips and then back up to my eyes as I did the same. Soon we both started leaning in and his arms wrapped around my waist as my hands slid around the back of his neck. Our faces were only centimeters away now. And before I could even register what was happening his lips fell onto mine in a deep and passionate kiss. Our lips moved in perfect sync with one another both of us getting lost in the other's touch. After a while, we both pulled away to catch our breath as we leaned against each other's forehead smiling like idiots.

"Well, I'll uh, see you tomorrow Betts"

And with one last quick kiss, he started walking back to his car and I unlocked my door and went inside still in shock, surprise, and happiness from what had just happened a few moments ago.

Yup, I definitely like him.

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