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A/N I'm quite proud of this one, enjoy...

Jughead's POV

"She is so unbelievable Juggie, can you believe the nerve of that girl, I told her that I liked Archie and what does she do? goes and kisses him, like, what?!"

So, right now I'm in the blue and gold with Betty. we were supposed to be working on Jason's murder but Betty's a little distracted by something that happened last night.

Apparently, there was an after-party at Cheryl Blossoms house where they played seven minutes in heaven and Veronica and Archie made-out. When I heard about this, I was furious, I cannot believe someone would do something like that to Betty, let alone her best friends!

So now she's here telling me all about it. It kind of upsets me that she still has a crush on Archie. See, I've been in love with Betty for so long but she's always chased after the boy next door, and I've always just been her best friend, which I don't mind. Being her best friend is better than nothing I just wish we were more.

"I mean, am I not good enough for him? why does he always pick her over me? am I not pretty enough?" she asks, a few tears escaping her eyes.

I walk closer to her and take her hand in mine and with the other, I lift her chin up so she's looking at me. "Are you kidding me, Betts? You are the smartest, kindest, sweetest and most beautiful girl I have ever met and any guy would be lucky to have you. I'm sorry about what happened with Archie but if he can't see what an amazing person you are, then he doesn't deserve you"

After I said that Betty went silent. She just stared at me with a look I can't quite describe. Kind of like she was searching for something in my eyes. It made me kind of nervous and I felt little butterflies in my stomach but I loved the feeling.

She suddenly pulls me into a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck squeezing me tight. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in more. we stay like this for about five minutes before she pulls away a little bit but still staying really close to me.

"Thank you Juggie, you really are the best," she says. "And I'm so sorry that I haven't been putting you first. God, I was obsessing over Archie so much I never paid attention to you, and here I am ranting about my 'problems' when you probably have your own, I'm so sorry, you deserve so much better" She rants again.

I find it kind of cute when she apologizes to me and I can't help but fall more in love with her every second she talks. Her eyes look so sincere but fragile and broken. Her eyebrows knitted together in a worried frown and her lips; I can't help but stare at them. They look so soft when she speaks.

I laughed a little bit before looking back up to her. "Betty, it's okay. You don't have to apologize for anything."

"I know I just feel really bad for not being there for you, I know things haven't been easy for you either"

"You just being here makes me feel better. And it's ok, I don't mind hearing about your problems, I want to know you're ok."

"thank you Juggie you're so amazing,"

She's still really close to me, her hands are now resting on my shoulders. She goes back to looking in my eyes but this time with a different expression, one that I can't quite read and I swear for a moment her eyes flicker to my lips.

"Oh Juggie, I really wish guys were more like you," she says moving even closer so our faces are only centimeters apart. "I can't believe I've been so blind. All this time never realizing the person I really love was right in front of me"

She moves forward slightly so out lips brushed together. she looks up at me for a second before connecting our lips. It was as if the world fell away when our lips touched, her hands moved back up round my neck, knocking my beanie off my head and running her hands through my hair as my arms snaked their way back around her waist. Our lips fitted together like two puzzle pieces moving in sync with each other.

We both pulled away slightly to catch our breath before reconnecting our lips but this time with more passion. Her mouth opened slightly and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue in which caused her to moan. I started to slowly walk forwards until Betty was backed up against the table. One of my hands moved down and started to caress her thigh while the other moved to the small of her back, rubbing circles.

There was so much more I wanted to do with her but I knew now was not the time. I pulled away and pressed my forehead against hers. We stood there for a while just breathing each other in before the bell for the first period rang startling both of us. She laughed slightly, causing me to laugh as well.

"We should probably go to class," I said moving away just a little bit so I was still very close but able to look at her.

"Yeah, we probably should. Thank you, Juggie," she responds as she blushes and looks down quickly.

"My pleasure. I'll see you later?" I ask

"Yeah. Come to my house after school, through my window, just in case my mom sees. and maybe we can finish what we started," she whispered the last part in my ear sending shivers down my back.

"I'll be there, definitely," I said. "And by the way, you're really cute when your ranting." I gave her one last quick kiss and winked at her before walking out of the room leaving her standing there blushing.

I cannot believe all that just happened, and I cannot wait for tonight.

A/N Hope you all enjoyed that, I had fun writing it, I was going to write in that book I have for whenever I feel stressed and everything but I wasn't stressed I was just thinking and for some reason became angry and started ranting to myself about things (really stupid things, like this friend that constantly complains about musicals). and then I was like, oh let's write a chapter where Betty rants...

but that didn't happen. It was supposed to be actual ranting about random things but when I write I just let my fingers type away and usually they have different plans for my ideas, so yeah...

Today's question is...

Are there any songs you have completely memorized?

let me know. Anyway, that's all, if you have any ideas that you want to see me do, leave them in the comments, they're always greatly appreciated. 

Love you all


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