to save the king

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„What would you do?"

„I'm nothing but a servant. I'm not in a place to make such a decision for Camelot."

"Servants can be wise."

It was quiet. Only the bristling of the fire and some chirping birds voiced live to the forest.
Well. Maybe that wasn't quite true.

"how did you know this place was sacred?", Arthur had asked.
"It's obvious."
"Pretend it isn't."
"This whole place is – full of life.
Everything is vibrating.
As if everything is more then itself.", Merlin had answered.

Arthur was not an idiot. Something was not right. Merlin was too troubled by these questions. Even more than Arthur. Which was ridiculous, because this was Arthur's choice. It sounded as though Merlin doubted his decision. Merlin had never doubted Arthur's decisions.

Merlin was not answering.

Still no response.

"Something is bothering you.", he cursed himself. Now Merlin would think he actually cared. Then again. Merlin was his friend. He should know that Arthur cared.

"Of course it is. The future of Camelot is at stake.", Merlin huffed. Finally a response at least.

"Yes. But I feel like that is not all there is."

Merlin's head perked up slightly.

"You -", Arthur hesitated. "I have this feeling that you don't want to save Mordred. Don't get me wrong. I don't think you want him dead. But – ever since he came to Camelot, you have been hostile towards him.
Overly focused on him. Is there something I should know? You should tell me if something is wrong."

Merlin's eyes widened, his arms sunk, as his gaze bored into Arthur's.
Arthur gulped. This was intense.
What he saw made his blood freeze in his veins.
Merlin was on the verge of crying, a though there was a wall between them that Arthur couldn't break through. As though there was a lot more going on that Merlin hasn't told him.

Arthur was right about Mordred.

Merlin looked as though they were heading for war.... well, considering their situation - maybe that was appropriate. But Merlin had this look – that he always had when he was ready to sacrifice everything for Arthur. But this was not about Arthur's life, but Mordred's, right?
And when Arthur was right that Merlin did not plan to save Mordred – It just failed to make sense.

"You know something, don't you?", Arthur asked.

Merlin's shoulders sunk. His eyes hurried from side to side, as though he was contemplating whether or not to say what was on his mind. Until finally:
"I – Mordred – he's -", he shook his head, unable to form another sentence.

"Come on. Whatever it is. It can't be worse than whatever this tripple goddess has in store, when I won't bow to them. It can't be worse than sorcery." No answer. "Right?"

"There – I heard of the destiny of Camelot that they were talking about. I know some of what it contains.", Merlin whispered.
He was fighting with himself. As though he was asking himself whether or not to tell Arthur something very – very important.
Arthur sat up, closer to the fire. "You do? Why didn't you tell me? What it's about? It may help us -" He was shocked. How did Merlin come by these information? What did he know? What could possible trouble him to this extent?
Merlin might be easily scared, but this was beyond normal.

"Mordred is destined to kill you."

Arthur's mouth opened in surprise. This – he had not expected. "What? How? When?"

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