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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy...

Here you go..

Long chappy for late update.. enjoy;)

Aina's pov :

I was checking on baby Ziya's pulse and it was normal but Her stage was not! she is in second stage cancer but Her body is too fragile to handle the chemo...

She was the same age as naina and it pains my heart to see her suffering! I just prayed to Allah to heal give (shifa) to her pain, I know being a doctor, I should not get emotionally attached to anyone but she's so adorable..

She's a chirpy kid but here she's lying in her bed in coma from the past three days.. I wiped my tears quickly and came out of the ICU, her mom and dad was crying very bad for their only child..

I assured them, that she'll be alright and they smiled weakly in my direction...

Sometimes we don't know the value of our life, which Allah has blessed with us free from diseases and we didn't get to acknowledge the blessing he has given us until we face some crisis...

Looking at the number of patients everyday! makes me feel how blessed we actually are? because no one knows the pain until we go through them...

Zoyi has not came today, because she was sick! probably she had got flu which is not going away from her any time soon...

She looked like a freaking tomato, when I visited her yesterday! from all the coughing and sneezing continuously..

Poor girl!..

She's OK now, when I ringed her in the morning and aunt told me that her temperature had ceased down a bit and she just had light headache and I sighed in relief...

I had no surgeries to do today, so my shift was over for the day. I made my way towards my car and thought to pick my baby, from her school today...

She'll be surprised for sure! I thought and drove towards her school and all the children were coming out of the school and when her gaze landed on me, her eyes twinkled in excitement she ran and jumped in my awaiting arms giggling wholeheartedly...

"mama.. I missed you! " she pouted, while hugging me tight.

"I missed you too doll! tell me how was school today?? " I asked her, Caressing her cheek..

"it was fun mama, I gave minu my cookies which you gave me, as you said I should share it! " she said in a cute tone and I grinned at her proudly..

"that's my girl! well done baby mama's proud of you! " I said and she smiled at me..

Then, I made her sit on her booster seat and buckled her up, then I drove towards my cafe...

After reaching there, she was handled by aunt marline by feeding her, her favorite munchies ..

These grandma and grand daughter's love! Is too much to handle!....

I shook my head smilingly, while I talked with rosie about her collage and studies, the bell rang indicating the arrival of customer's..

I looked up only to get shocked to see Mr. Grey eyes or should I say Mr. king! he was accompanied with some men and his gaze was locked with mine, giving me cold shivers, by those intimidating eyes..

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